Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Ways to wear a lavender blazer.

Once spring comes, that is.

Here are some looks I put together on Polyvore using items similar to (or in some cases, the same as) things in my closet.

Wow, that was SO much easier than putting it all on and taking pictures!!

ETA:  Since publishing this post, I've created even more sets!  You can see them on Pinterest here, or on Polyvore here.


  1. I never knew lavender was so versatile! I love the shoes in the fourth set.

    1. I really didn't either, until I started looking in my closet and making outfits! Also, Polyvore is so fun - I can't stop playing with it since last night! Aren't those shoes great? I just bought them this month for my birthday :-) (Boden)

  2. Oh, I love these combos! Admittedly, a lavender colored blazer didn't immediately appear all that useful... rethinking that!

    1. I know! I'm as surprised as you! Honestly, I went ahead and bought that kit because 1) it was cheap and 2) I really liked the striped lining fabric! But it looks like this one can get quite a bit of wear, if I can get used to the way the armholes feel.

  3. Can you please just style my whole wardrobe for me? :) I'm useless at it! I'm always so impressed by how well you put together outfits!

    1. Aww, thank you!

      Yes. Yes, I will. Because it is so much fun to play around with Polyvore! Seriously, I would do it! I think it might be fun to do a "styling swap" - i.e. have a friend style a piece to see how someone else does it!

  4. Dear Gail:

    I was living in ignorant bliss, unawares of how people put those little collages together. And now I know. And I can't unknow. This will end badly. So badly.

    LOL!!!!!!! OMG I will spend untold amounts of time playing around with that site!!!! Thank you for a new obsession!

  5. I have a hard time putting outfits together, so I love these. I want them all!

  6. I never would have thought of these combos, and I generally tend to shy away from pastels as a group (please excuse my color discrimination), but I love these! I'm especially drawn to #2, #4, and #5 - they make the lavender look edgy! And I love your idea of a styling swap - please sign me up!

    1. No offense taken - I know pastels aren't for everybody! It really surprised me how versatile this color is!

      I'm mulling over the styling swap in my head; thinking of how to make it work. Will keep you updated if I figure it out!

  7. Pinterest is such an inspiration, especially with fashion.

    1. It is - I'm hoping it will be a good reminder for me too, once it's time to actually "get dressed!"

  8. Great stylings. I find that lavender, mauve, pale pinks are much more versatile that most people seem to imagine. One can wear them with neutrals, or as neutrals, or as surprising accents against brighter colors, something like the dash of contrast that makes a Fair Isle palette sing. All points well illustrated here!
    -- stashdragon

    1. Thanks, Gretchen! It's not a color I would have sought out, but I'm so glad now I bought it - surprisingly versatile!

  9. I love these looks! I didn't realize it was possible to create outfits through polyvore's site. I have some lightweight lilac wool that I hope to sew into a pair of Manhattan trousers. I might have to borrow some of your ideas when it comes time to style them!

    1. Wow, I had never seen that pattern before! It looks like a great one, and in lilac it will be beautiful for spring. Do borrow - and go over and make your own looks too! It's so fun to play with! I joined many years ago when it was new and it wasn't very easy to use, so I never did anything on it. But when I went back last week, I saw that they've made a lot of improvements. There are still a few things that I still think aren't so user-friendly, but it's much better than it used to be.


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