
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Birds

When I posted my first Renfrew top last month, Lisa very kindly made a comment introducing me to Girl Charlee online fabric shop.  Of course, I took a gander straight away, and immediately fell in love with this bird-print fabric:

This is another cotton/rayon blend jersey, very soft and slinky.  You may have noticed that all of my recent sewing projects except for the turquoise Clovers have been knits, and I'm finding it very interesting that each fiber blend behaves a little differently.  This one has a lot of drape, and therefore feels like it's a little bigger than the more stable orange fabric I showed yesterday.  However, I've been using the same size 6 pattern tracing throughout!

On yesterday's top and on this one, I did finally include some stay tape at the shoulders.  I'm still not convinced it's necessary, but it will be interesting to see if these two tops hold up better than the first two I made.

I was really hoping this top would be a good match for this skirt I bought at Anthropologie a couple years ago.  But it's not quite white enough.  I should probably try it out with my Madeleine skirt though!

And since I haven't done a silly shot for a while, here's me, pretending to fly away:


  1. That fabric is just darling! I love the neckline of this one, it just looks perfect! Wonderful work as always!

  2. The fabric looks really soft and drapey. It must feel so nice against the skin. I bet it would look perfect with your Madeleine skirt!

  3. Very prettyt fabric and great top. I must make one myself!

  4. This top is great, and pairs nicely with the skirt. What a perfect fabric. I love your fly away photo.

  5. Oh, Gail, will you never cease to impress me?! That outfit is darling ... and I love the superwoman/fly away pose. Up, up, and away! xo

  6. i do love that fabric! your top looks so soft and comfy, i really need to get this pattern. it's a crime i haven't bought it yet! i'm with you on the stay tape of dubious necessity... i may try just fusing a strip of knit interfacing before sewing, it's always so fiddly to get the stay tape in the right place!

  7. lol, funny last shot! I love the bird print! It looks so soft and yummy too!

  8. Hee hee hee!
    The question is... do I do a blatant imitation of your top or do I try out a different pattern? Problems. problems...!
    Lovely! :)

    1. I think you should do a blatant imitation AND get the grey version with the black birds!

  9. I LOVE this! It's so very cute! I almost bought this same fabric (well, this and about 15 others!).

  10. Lovely bird print and bird pose. It's interesting to read about your experience with knits - I'm also finding that different knits behave totally different from each other. After my "meh" Renfrew I had a win with a totally different knit. Who knew?

    1. Isn't it crazy? I'm hoping I can mentally correlate this information into something useful!

  11. Adorable outfit! I think these pieces go together quite nicely.

  12. Yes, it is hard to stay grounded with the swift-flying birds the those red triangles headed up, up and away ! ! !



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