
Friday, September 26, 2014

Playing catch-up.

First off - thank you so much to everyone who gave me some styling tips on my last post!  Lots of great ideas in there; I'm sure I'll be trying some of them out in the future.  Please excuse my laziness in not answering each comment separately.  Some days are just like that :-)

I've spent part of the morning today updating my 2014 Sewing FOs page.  I hadn't added any finished makes since May!  There was a lot of catching up to do.  I realized that some of the things I made over the summer I never even posted about - partly because I was so busy, but also because a lot of them are the same patterns I've been using for a while, just in different fabrics.  I find myself using Instagram more these days for show and tell, and this space more if I have something I really want to say about a pattern, process or make.

That said, yesterday I wore two of those unblogged makes and really liked how the outfit came together, so I snapped a couple of bathroom-mirror selfies to share.  This is the kind of outfit I feel right at home in.  Of course, it's based on some slouchy jeans :-)  But on top of those jeans is an item I made early in the summer that actually filled a hole in my wardrobe:  a plain white Renfrew!

I'm sure it will come as no surprise that I completely fell off the Stash Diet wagon over the summer.  One day I was at my local fabric shop getting zippers or something, and my eyes fell upon a lovely 2-yard piece of silk chiffon in the remnant area.  It came home with me, and a couple days later I sewed up the long edge and then sewed the two ends together to make a huge infinity scarf.  Honestly, it's a bit too big, but by keeping the yardage intact I can change my mind later and make it into something else if I want to.  It's kind of a Moroccan tile print in lavender, yellow, white and black.

And because it was chilly when I left the house in the morning, I added one of my favorite jackets, purchased probably 15 years ago at Loft.

Rounding out the look were some simple silver jewelry and a pair of quilted black block-heeled shoes.

After I came home from my coffee date with a friend and an impromptu lunch date with Hubby, I finished up my second Alabama Chanin project.  I do have a couple of things to say about that one, so I'm hoping to get some pictures of it over the weekend.  Stay tuned, if you're interested in that stuff!


  1. I'm starting to love Instagram, too! Such a nice way to comment on something that doesn't feel like a whole blog post. I love this scarf (and how big and poofy it is)! I've had white jersey in my stash for about 2 years now to make the white top that I wish I had at least once a week. I'm hoping your version will make me get it out of the stash . . .

    1. Isn't IG great? I don't always have a lot to say :-) so it's perfect for that.

      The white tee process felt like a slog, but I'm so glad I have one now!

  2. so useful to have a basic white tee, can never have too many! love the scarf, what a great use of the silk chiffon!

    1. Now on to a white shirt! I really need one of those too!

  3. I can never find decent white knits. Ahhh love your tee!! And so smart about the yardage remaining intact!!

    1. I know what you mean - you don't want them too thin because they show everything! I got this one at Fabrications in Michigan, and it has a hefty percentage of modal in it - super soft but on the thicker side.

  4. Nice scarf! You're so good for catching up on the FO page. Perhaps I should take my lead from you and at least get some photos done :)

    1. It's kind of stupid, but having something incomplete like that really bugs me!

  5. Boyfriend jeans are flattering and comfy. I love how I don't have to worry about a muffin top. Like that infinity.


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