
Friday, January 18, 2013

Goal Bustin'

I've been slowly working toward accomplishing one of this year's goals*:  finally making my Anouk dress.

The weekend before last, I taped my trimmed copies together and traced out all my pattern pieces.  I had thought I would start the dress last weekend, but as we now know, Bag Frenzy took hold and I made a little detour.

On Wednesday I had some free time, so I used it to cut out, mark and interface all my pieces.  And today I finally started sewing.

Somehow, I'm happy to be working on this in bits and pieces, rather than try to finish the whole thing in a day or two.  I'm starting to suspect that this would be my preferred way of working, but I'm hindered by not having a sewing room.  (I know, I keep harping on that!)  Because I have to haul everything from the guest room upstairs to the dining room downstairs every time I want to sew, I always feel like I need big chunks of time and maximum output.  But with this project I'm happily taking my time.  That could also have to do with the fact that it will be months before I can wear this, as I'm doing the sleeveless version, so I don't feel any great urgency.

One of the factors that put me off starting this dress over and over is all the small bits:  the pieced bodice front, the pintucks, the gathering.  You know - all the details that make this design what it is!  I always had another project on tap that would be quicker or easier.  Lately though, and thanks to quilting I think,  I'm finding these details a lot of fun to execute.  I had never done pintucks before, and I really enjoyed them - I was a little sad when I finished them all!  And it was really fun moving my pattern pieces around on my printed fabric to find just the spot for making the chevron.  I'm really happy with how that turned out.

I looked back at my account on where I bought all the materials for this dress.  The print is Anna Maria Horner's Mixed Signals Striking voile from her Innocent Crush line.  I ordered it on February 6 of last year.  I ordered the magenta chambray and the black voile I'm using for the upper bodice a week later.  My plan is to get this done before this UFO becomes one year old - very doable, even at a slow pace.

*To keep my goals in front of me, I transfered them from the original post to a page up top.


  1. I got the Anouk pattern last year and making it is one of my resolutions, too! I can't wait to see your finished one.

    1. That's funny! I think we have very similar taste! There aren't very many finished versions out there, surprisingly. But I'm already thinking I'd like to do the long-sleeved tunic version.

  2. Very beautiful pattern, and quite difficult, it seems to me. Your color of choice is great and so far the dress promises to be fabulous.

    1. Like a lot of things, it wasn't so difficult once I actually got started!

  3. A great fabric, it is going to be the kind of dress you would wear to an art gallery opening!

    1. Hehehe - if only my life were so glamorous! It could probably make it to brunch though!

  4. Oh wow! I love your fabric choice. It is going to be great! I agree that sometimes its nice to do a slow piece that you pop back to. Like your new page too.

    1. Thank you - this fabric choice is all about the shoes I planned to wear with this dress! Will reveal all at the end!

  5. i love the color palate you have going on. there is something nice about just taking your time and doing everything right!

    1. I agree - and I don't know why I don't approach every project that way! I really do find it enjoyable to slow down, but I so often rush myself!

  6. The chevron is very impressive and so pretty.

    Makes me wish I had the patience to sew...I'd love to make that dress! Maybe I should try again after a year of knitting. Who knows, maybe I have learned SOME patience? ;-)

    1. Funny - I think in general, sewing takes less patience than knitting! You could meet it halfway and sew with knits ;-)

    2. I do have a silk dress to finish off for summer...we'll see!

  7. That Anna Maria Horner fabric is lurking in my stash too. :D I love the way the pattern works with the piecing, and how the colors in it work with the gorgeous main fabric color.

    When I first started sewing it seemed I had to work in large chunks of time or I screwed things up, but now I too enjoy working in smaller spurts. I have claimed the living room as my crafting area and I just leave everything set up in there -- we rarely have guests and the few who do come over already know we're a bit eccentric!

    1. Our lifestyle is much the same, but I'm a self-confessed neat freak! I just can't stand to have that stuff sitting out! And I've found that sewing, with all the little bits of thread and fluffs of fabric, makes quite a mess. So I won't sew for days after I've just cleaned the dining room, LOL!

  8. Oh, this is going to look great! Your fabric choices are perfect! Can't wait to see it!

  9. Gail, I've been lusting after this fabric for ages - your Anouk is going to look so very pretty! I also love the fact that you are enjoying the process. I bet this becomes a favourite garment precisely because of the time and effort you are taking with it.

  10. Details are Good!
    Sometimes we lose sight of all the minor details by concentrating on getting to the finished project.
    Taking time to enjoy the details that caught our attention the first time we saw the piece
    Is sometimes overlooked by my rush to wear it.

    I'm becoming aware of this and now am attempting to enjoy the details.


  11. OOh I LOVE the colours you've used! Exciting and well done for working on a goal!

  12. I too am limited by sewing space. Actually I am slowly taking over the playroom - a long table on one wall and my ironing board... I think I work best in short bursts too and have been trying to do a little frequently. I think I'd like to try to sew for 20 mins or more every day but haven't been so good at that. I will try though, because I am just loving sewing again. I forget how much I miss it :)

  13. Oh boy do I need sewing for Dummies translation. My mum would like you, how you're so methodical and use fabulous patterns.

  14. I can't wait to see the finished product! Lucky for me, I'm so far behind my blog reading you might actually be done by now!

    1. Oh yeah, you missed the whole thing, LOL! But never fear: there's a drama episode! Maybe you've already read it by now :-)


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