
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Burda Style for Spring

Earlier this week when I popped into my local fabric shop to get a few more zippers for bags,  I was surprised to find a leaflet advertising new Burda Style envelope patterns for spring.  I hadn't ever seen one of these before, so I brought it home and decided to share it with all of you.  I think there are some really cute patterns in here!

And just in case any of you are interested in these, I'm captioning the pictures with the pattern numbers, reading from left to right, top to bottom.



7078, 7079, 7065, 7077, 7077, 7120, 7107, 7082, 7070, 7117, 7077, 7078

7071, 7080, 7189, 7062, 7083, 7069, 7081, 7067

7081, 7067, 7074, 7052, 7069, 7074, 7072, 7073, 7076

7066, 7065, 7063, 7070, 7064, 7073, 7075, 7189, 7080

7087, 7092, 7091, 7093, 7086, 7088, 7090, 7089, 7093, 7088, 7116, 7088

7056, 7047, 7053, 7052, 7050, 7051, 7049, 7054, 7054, 7052, 7050, 7052, 7056, 7048

7101, 7099, 7100, 7103, 7094, 7100, 7059, 7061, 7060, 7061, 7219, 7059

9467, 9467, 9460, 9470, 9462, 9464, 9465, 9458, 9466, 9496, 9461, 9462, 9460

7066, 7117, 7083, 7085, 7067, 7083, 7063, 7117, 7075, 7064, 7062, 7072, 7062

7110, 7113, 7110, 7112, 7115, 7115, 7111, 7111, 7114, 7113, 7113, 7109, 7109, 7109

7189, 7062, 7064, 7062, 7083

Spoiler alert:  I've already purchased five of these patterns!  And there's a good chance I'll be picking up at least a couple more.  I'll show you the ones I chose soon!


  1. Whoa, those look great!

    FYI, I know you're a Girl Charlee customer but I found another company with great knits, The Fabric Fairy. I was looking for fold-over elastic and they also have cool swimwear fabrics. Check them out.

    1. Ooooh, thanks, Lisa! Or should I say, Uh-oh!!

  2. I was at Hancock's last night and failed to even look at the Burdas! (In my defense, I had the husband in tow, and McCalls/Simplicity/Vogue are what's on sale so I had to focus.) Damn now I will have to go back. :)

    1. Oh, big mistake! Yes, I think you need to go back on your own ;-)

  3. I'm subscribed to Sewingpatterns dot com e-mails, and was alerted that they're having a half-off sale on burda paper patterns right now. I checked these out last night and found a few I want to snatch up! They are really cute.

    1. I've only used 1 Burda envelope pattern so far, so I'm really interested in exploring the brand further. I liked so many of these!

  4. Love how they have grouped the patterns, in colours and styles - and this was a free brochure??? Would be great if all the companies did this ... off to order a few of these lovelies...J

    1. Yes, it was a free brochure! I go to that shop all the time and have been for a couple years, and this is the first time I've seen anything like this. So I'm wondering if it's a new advertising campaign?

  5. Gail! You just helped me out immensely. I've been looking everywhere for a pattern like the 60's dress, I'm assuming it is 7056. Thank you!! I'm going to get that pattern ASAP

    1. Pumpkin, do you mean the white one with the pink, black and green floral? That one is 7054. It's the same as the black and white polka-dot one to its left. I'm sorry these weren't so clear - I really should have scanned the images, but was too pressed for time so I just snapped some pictures. Let me know if you need help figuring out a specific pattern number :-)

  6. These are all so fun! I've never sewn with a Burda paper pattern before, but I just bought one the other day. They have so many cute styles!

    1. I'm curious to know which one you got! I'm super excited to start 2 of the five I bought :-)

  7. I love mags like this. Many moons ago in my twenties I used to get the Vogue one. I just loved it :)

    1. I'm a sucker for this kind of thing. I got a similar (but much slicker) one from Anna Maria Horner a couple months ago - swoon worthy!

  8. You must be this shop's best customer!

    1. Amazingly not! I only bought zippers that day! This was a free handout.

  9. They used to have these from other companies in the 'olden' days, it's nice to see them again. I haven't sewn with Burda at all, but I have a couple that I picked up. And I'm doing a wedding dress for a friend from the 7090 for next summer. She doesn't like her upper arms so thought this was a good style for her...and she is a larger girl.

    1. Yes, I've seen the ones Debi of My Happy Sewing Place has posted from McCall's, so I'm not surprised that other companies did them too. That wedding dress is going to be great - such a beautiful design!


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