
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Renfrew du Jour

Yet again!

But I changed it up this time!  I made View C, with the cowl neck and the three quarter sleeves.  In my bird print fabric.  I just need to make one more, and then I'll have one for every day of the week.

When I made my first Renfrew, way back in June, I was so anxious to get started that I only traced the pieces for the scoop neck and short sleeves.  Yesterday afternoon, knowing that Hubby would be out this morning playing basketball and thus enabling me to have a sewing morning, I traced out all the other pieces.  So now I can make any Renfrew I want, any time I want.   Ha!

I was almost finished by the time he got home.  I got a little distracted and didn't check the placement of the birds on the waistband piece, so I've got some mirror-image bird business going on down there.  Oh well. 

I was a little surprised by how short the three quarter sleeves ended up being (and I've got slightly short arms) - I guess I was expecting bracelet length.  And I feel like it's a teensy bit wide across the shoulders - probably because when I did those seams, I didn't realize that the tension dials on my serger had shifted, so they got stretched out a little.  Oh well.

As soon as I finished it, we headed out the door to the local banh mi shop for lunch, closely followed by frozen yogurt in Chinatown, eaten on the way to the park.  It's a beautiful day - really too hot for this top.

Guess I'll have to change into one of my other Renfrews.


  1. Yes! I love this version! I want one! I have the exact same fabric, and I had JUST decided to be a good sister and make something for her in it, but... what she doesn't know won't hurt her, right?

    1. Oops, in my excitement, I left a kind of illiterate comment-- meant to say that I intended to use the fabric to make a top for my sister. :)

    2. Hehehe - I understood! I think GC still has this one, so you could get more. I really liked your idea of making it into a cardigan too, but the cowl neck is pretty hard to resist :-)

  2. this is the second or third renfrew coming up on my feed today... it's quite shameful i haven't bought this pattern yet! great work, as always!

    1. I am definitely getting my money's worth out of this pattern! And you know how many other people out there are fans as well! I'm really surprised to hear you don't already have it - it would be so practical for you!

  3. Terribly cute, as always! I didn't even notice the mirroring until you mentioned it!

    1. Good to know - the more I look at it, the more it bothers me!

  4. Another winner! I really love how simply yet stylish the Renfrew is. I definitely need to get going and make a few. I can see them being a go-to in any woman's closet.

    1. Nothing easier to wear than a tee-shirt! amiright!?!

  5. Gail, you sure are tempting me with all these lovely knit makes you are featuring on the blog these days! I may just have to cave and visit Girl Charlie. Love the new Renfrew - and thanks for pointing out the sleeve length thing. Now, if I can just get my act together to sort our my fit issues with this pattern maybe I could make one I'll actually wear.

    1. I'm tempted myself - there are a few more fabrics I have my eye on. I've managed to hold myself back so far, but I don't know how much longer I can do it!

  6. I just retraced my Renfrew yesterday to hopefully fit me better next time :)
    And the next time will be the same view as yours! :) Pattern twins! Haha :)

  7. You definitely need one for every day of the week. How cheerful that would be!


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