
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Summer Colors

Here's what the sky looked like at 1:00 p.m. yesterday in Chicago:

The menacing view from my guest bathroom.

I needed to get some summer colors on my digits to brighten things up:

Toes:  Orly Frolic
Essie Tart Deco

The Orly is only the second polish of this brand I've purchased, the first being Space Cadet, with which I was less than impressed.   The formula was very thin and shrank as it dried - before I even put any top coat on!  And the color looked a lot less appealing on my nails than it did in the bottle.  But I had a $5 coupon from Sally Beauty, and knowing that a lot of people love this brand, I decided to try it one more time.

Frolic applied very nicely, and I liked the brush.  But it dried semi-matte, which I thought was unusual.  I'm not sure if this is common with Orly.  Top coat fixed it of course, and I think the color is great.

Here's a better pic of the Essie:

Essie Tart Deco

I wasn't sure this color would work on me, but I really like it.  Unfortunately, I messed up one nail while cooking dinner later on.  But it was fun to look at all afternoon while I was working on finishing up Capri!  Button bands are knitted and sewn on, neckband is picked up and knit.  All that's left is to sew the thing together!


  1. I'm amazed by how often you change up your colour, and by what a perfect job you do each time. I'd love to have such well-groomed nails, but I have no patience for it.

  2. I agree with K-Line re. patience. Looking forward to seeing your finished Capri!

  3. Interestingly, for me it is a very relaxing thing to paint my nails. Meditative, almost. I think that, combined with my short attention span, are what spur me to change the color all the time!


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