
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Stash Diet: the Swap Edition!!

When we started Stash Diet: 2014, we had a few ideas about activities we could do along the way to make things more engaging.  One of those was hosting a swap.  But neither Andrea nor I had any experience with swapping!  We weren't quite sure how to go about it.

Thankfully, Morgan has lots of experience with swaps, and generously volunteered to be in charge of the swapping portion of the group.  We've had several comments asking about the possibility of a swap, so we're excited to get this going.

Morgan has started a Swap discussion thread over at the group - you can head over there to read the guidelines she's set up, or read her post here.  She's planning on having larger quarterly swaps, but also encourages smaller swaps in between the larger events.

Have you ever done a swap before?  I never have, and am excited to take part.  I love most of my stash, but there are a few pieces that just aren't going to get used.  Much better to have them go to a loving home!


  1. Good Morning Gail :0) The swap idea sounds pretty good, especially if you have quite a bit of fabric to part with. I have done swaps before and they are quite fun.

  2. This will be fun for you and others!

  3. I've only done swaps in person, the idea to swap online is brilliant! I'm in the process of trying to organize my stash at the moment, and I'm certain there are several pieces of fabric in my stash that would be better loved in the arms of another.

  4. I saw some of your vintage patterns are up - woohoo!

  5. How fun! I haven't done a swap like this before, just the Christmas ornament swap I do every year and Love Notes.
    Have a blast!

  6. Love seeing the enthusiasm of your Stash Diet group. I've participated in knitting swaps and they're so much fun. You're going to have a blast!!

  7. I love this idea and have joined the flickr group! I'm having some trouble finding the area with items for swap and where to post my items to swap as the pics seem to be about the stash diet.

    1. Hi Catja: It's all in the same pool - once you're in the group, look at the "photos" page. That page will have pictures of stash, finished items, and swap items. If you make sure to write SWAP in the title (not the description) then members can see which items are for swap by hovering over the photos.


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