
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Infinity Cowl v.2

This post includes bonus silly pictures!!

As you know, I felt I just had to have a grey Infinity Scarf to go with my coat.  And I knew just which yarn I wanted to use - Berroco Flicker, the same yarn Michelle used for the scarf that inspired me.  Flicker is a lovely, soft alpaca blend chainette yarn with just a hint of sparkle.  It's soft and springy and was a joy to work with.

I made this second cowl just like my first one, except that since this yarn is thinner than the one I used before, I knit it with a US size 9 needle (5.5mm) instead of a size 10.  The pattern suggests going up a needle size or two from the size recommended on the ball band, but I knit loosely and I didn't want this scarf to have a very open fabric.  The gauge recommendation for Flicker is a size 9, and using that size gave me exactly the fabric I was looking for.  I'd hoped I could make the scarf out of 3 balls and have one left over to make a hat, but it did take the whole 4 balls.

I really love this scarf, but the color doesn't go perfectly with my coat.  I think I might have been better off with the charcoal grey.  This yarn is a cool grey and my coat fabric is a warm grey.  Ah well - it's so fun to knit, who knows?  Maybe I'll make a third one?  Here's how it all looks together - the coat, scarf, gloves and hat.  I couldn't decide which picture I liked best, so I put them all!

pretending to be super cold!

And here's one showing the length and width of the finished scarf:

It can also be wrapped around the head if there's no hat around:

OK, here are the silly shots.  I don't know what I was doing in this one, but it looks like I have to pee, LOL!

And I was trying to blow a kiss to you all.  Do you have any idea how hard that is to capture on camera?!  But it's good for a laugh!

Well, now that I've got my whole coat-centric outfit together, the temperatures have plummeted.  Of course.  So it's not likely to get warn again in the near future.  No matter, I still love all these pieces!  And it will have to warm up eventually!


  1. Vous êtes très chic, jeune dame!

  2. you're adorable! love the cowl, the whole ensemble is so elegant!

    1. Thanks, Lisa! I wish there were feel-o-vision: it's so soft!

  3. I can't even deal with how much I love this outfit! Seriously fabulous! I hope it warms up a bit from the horribly frigid Chicago weather you're having so you can swan around in this more!

    1. Thanks, Sonja! Yes, no swanning will be done in this coat for a while, I'm afraid, unless I do it indoors!

  4. Love every bit of it! I haven't seen your coat post yet, and oh goodness, it looks so elegant! The scarf is lovely too, and I don't mind the mixture of tones in grays at all.

    1. Thank, Kelly! I do have other coats I can wear this scarf with, so it's not a total loss :-)

  5. Excellent style show. I love the cowl and the gloves! Your feet look cold, though; tights (or even knee-high nylons) are in order. Of course, in mild weather the coat could be worn with a dress or skirt. Hmmm. . . another styling session, perhaps?
    -- stashdragon

    1. Thanks, Gretchen. No, this was quite enough styling for a while! These things always take so long to do! And I knew that the shoes were inappropriate for the rest of the outfit, but I just couldn't make myself put on anything else: it was 72 degrees in my house! I was so hot, LOL!

  6. Always look so chic! I'm surprised to say that I really like the cowl! I'm not always such a fan of the large ones. Well, I'm not fond of wearing them in any case. I find them bulky and awkward and I kind of hate wearing scarves and cowls outside of my coat as then you can end up with a face full of wet wool when it's raining or snowing. But the picture of you wrapping it around your head? Sold! I'll be keeping my eye out for some yarn! In fact, I do believe my local LYS has some Flicker!

    1. Thanks, Sara! I know what you mean - it's a LOT of fabric! I've gotten headaches before from this kind of thing making my neck stiff. But I love how they look! And you know, you can always wrap the whole thing around the top of your head, turban-style, for those moments when you wish to impart some wisdom ;-)

      Do keep your eye out for Flicker - I'm totally sold on it!

  7. You look so cool and sophisticated in this coat! I love your cowl, a big warm wrap of wool around the neck is a must in winter. The whole set is very chic and elegant.

  8. OMG - look how gorgeous you are in the coat with the scarf and the hat. Fantastic!

  9. Really pretty! I love your styling and I also quite like the "clashing" greys :)

  10. Your coat looks lush and cozy. The scarf pairs perfectly with it. Um, I need to get knitting again.

    1. Thanks, Mela! You should start knitting again. You know, in all your spare time! ;-)

  11. Love love love your scarf! An infinity scarf has been on my to-knit list forever :)

    1. Thank you! I've been wearing both versions I made quite a bit this winter!


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