
Friday, August 2, 2013

I dressed myself!

Look how pleased with myself I am!

It's been two weeks since I finished this dress, and this is the first time I've put it on - I didn't even try it on for fit after I finished it!  But tonight we're going out for dinner with some friends and I wanted to wear it.  I tied the bow myself, and it really wasn't that hard!  I used the "rabbit ears" method ;-)  Look:

And I'm sitting back on my chair as I type this, and the bow is not digging into my back, so that's a great thing!  I have a feeling that has a lot to do with not interlining the straps.

Here's a full pic of the front and back so you guys can see the fit.  I probably could have taken a little more in on my swayback adjustment, but the fit of this dress depends a lot on how tightly you tie the bow, I found.

I like the length, but I think I'd be better off with a shoe that doesn't sit so high up on the ankle - it really shortens my legs visually.  But I'm sticking with these for tonight because I can drive in them, and while I like them, they're not my favorites, so if it storms later like it's supposed to and they get a little dirty, I won't be too upset.  Do you guys go to that level with your wardrobe planning?

In case it's cold in the restaurant, I'm wearing a shrug I knit years ago.  I like this pattern so much I made it three times!  It's loose enough that the bow doesn't look like a weird lump in the middle of my back:

One thing I forgot to mention in my construction notes is that I fit this bodice to the strapless bra I'm wearing.  I know several people added bust cups to the inside of their dresses, but I really didn't want to fuss with that, and strapless bras don't bother me.

I'm very happy with the fit!

Here's one last photo, because you can see the texture of the shrug better in this one.  It's really just a big feather and fan rectangle, folded and sewn a little at two edges, with stitches picked up and worked in rib for the sleeves.  Sadly, the yarn has been discontinued - it's a lovely, drapey linen/cotton/rayon blend.

And that, my friends, is the delighted look of a lady who has a pretty new dress, and is a mere two hours from a fantastic Ethiopian meal!


  1. You look HOT!

    I absolutely love this outfit!

    1. Hahaha, I WAS hot! Had to take the shrug off, LOL! ;-)

      Thank you!

  2. This looks fabulous on you!! I love the shoes with it.

    1. Thank you! So many colors in this dress, I have lots of shoe options!

  3. It's amazing! I love the shrug as well. Perfect combination! You should be proud, you glamorous stunning lady, you :)

    1. Thanks, Jo! I actually feel more sheepish than proud - kind of embarrassing that it took me so long to even put on the dress! It really is about the process for me, I guess!

  4. Just love it. What a perfect match with the shrug!!

  5. You look AMAZING! the fit is perfection xo

    1. Thank you, Erika! It's a nice, close fit - which means that after my big yummy Ethiopian meal, it was a little tight, LOL!

    2. ha, thats happened to me too

  6. Your husband will be so proud to have you on his arm. You look so chic!

  7. Lovely outfit, you look super :)

  8. You look so pretty in the last photo. I love this outfit, the shrug goes so well with your lovely dress. Hope you had a fun evening.

    1. Aww, thank you! We had a very nice evening - good food and good company!

  9. I love this dress and the fabric is just divine. The shrug !! Waaaaaa !! Why can't I knit like that ?! Anyway you look lovely, and your whole outfit is just fabulous xx

    1. Would you believe this fabric was $3 a yard? So I made this dress for about $15 total! The interlining was more expensive than the outer fabric!

      You could certainly knit a shrug like this! (That is, if you already know how to knit!) It's just a big rectangle! I could do a little tutorial/pattern outline if people are interested.

  10. i love how this looks on you, the colors are perfect! the shrug is a great match as well. and you hair looks amazing!

    1. Thank you! Interestingly, I don't think the color is that great on me - the background is too close to my skin color. But I really love the print! Maybe if I would step away from the sewing machine and the knitting needles and the TV and go outside, I would get a little color to my skin, LOL!

  11. I thought from the last post on this dress that the background was an off white, but I like more beige color it looks in these pics. I disagree that it's too close to your skin color. I really love the style of the Lonsdale and it's perfect on you! The shrug goes so well - I'm always carrying RTW sweaters with me to restaurants and stores since I freeze in the air conditioning. Your shrug is a much more fashionable option! Need to learn to knit in my non-existent spare time :).

    1. Thank you! It's more a yellowish cream color. It doesn't look so bad on the upper half of my body, but my legs are so pale that I think it just looks weird!

  12. That is gorgeous! lovely job on the dress and the sweater! of these days, I'm going to learn to sew. :)

  13. Looks gorgeous, as always Gail. Cute and smiley photos too!

    1. Thanks, Kristen! There were plenty more where I looked grouchy - the makeup I was wearing made my eyes itchy! I should have included one for fun, but I've already deleted them!

  14. Wow, you do look gorgeous and it was most definitely a great hair night! I love the print of that dress and if those are shoes you are only lukewarm about I am even more jealous of your shoe collection, cause I LOVE those.

    1. Thanks, Lisa! You better believe that the hair went right back into a pony tail as soon as my dinner came, LOL! Nothing gets in the way of me and my food!

  15. Aw you look wonderful Gail, you did a great job on that dress, it's SO flattering. Your whole outfit is gorgeous! x

  16. I love it! What a flattering shape on you. And the fit is perfection. I've got to try Lonsdale one of these days. I've been meaning to, but I'm hesitant because of the halter. Your shrug is way cute, and that would solve my exposure issues. Putting it in the queue!

    1. Thank you! I'll be honest - after about an hour of wearing it, the halter was really bothering me! It was making my chest feel itchy! I'm glad I made this dress, and I think it's very pretty, but I'm not sure there will be a version 2. It's just not that practical for me. But I didn't feel too exposed in it, which surprised me a little!

  17. OMG - You are beautiful! I love that dress and the way you've styled it.

  18. This is a gorgeous dress! I love it. Your hair looks fantastic too :)

  19. Lovely! This is such a great dress on you, and I really like the print! So, so cute! Your hair looks great, too!

  20. You look gorgeous! The dress, the sweater, the hair! Just gorgeous!

    1. Thank you! I usually can't be bothered to do anything with my hair - it's just so thick and unruly! But it certainly makes a difference when I make a little effort! ;-)

  21. You look absolutely beautiful! What a great combo! Hope the Ethiopian food was delicious as it sounds :)

    1. Thank you! Yes, it was SO yummy! That place (Ethiopian Diamond) is on the far north side - I really wish it were closer! Even when we still lived in St. Louis, we'd go there every time we came to Chicago!

  22. The Lonsdale beautiful on you and I love the print! Also, your hair is amazing in these pictures :)

    1. Thanks! I think the sales kid at Vogue liked it too - he commented on it when I was buying it, and I went back about a week later to see if I could get some more and it was gone!

  23. Late to the party, like always. But I had to say, you looked GORGEOUS. I am loving your fitting determination. It paid off with this dress. The fit is pretty spot on!

    1. Thanks, Mela! My quandary now is that it fits great while I'm standing, but once I sit down, the bodice bunches up under the bust. I've been having that same trouble with my Cambies too, so I'll have to continue to do some research to see if there's anything that can be done about that. I wonder if I'm asking for too much?

  24. lovely! your hair and the rest of the whole thing is gorgeous! So impressed that you tied that bow on your own. haha I only like to wear mine if my mom's around because I don't approve of the way anyone else ties it :)
    Brilliant idea to wear the loose shrug -- it def takes planning to find the right over layer that works with this dress. I do feel lucky to also be comfortable in a strapless bra - makes certain garments very easy to wear!

    1. Thank you! And I'm with you: I'm a stickler about the way a bow it tied! Everything has to be just so!

  25. Oh my Gawd, Gail, you look GORGEOUS! (And yes, I was yelling that... sorry!). The dress really is beautiful but you look stunning in these photos and I don't think it has anything to do with the dress. Speaking of the dress, due to my inability to read blogs of late I didn't know you were working on this or that you had extensive construction notes. I'll be sure to read them if I ever venture into this pattern. Very well done on this make!

    1. You must be back - welcome home!! And thank you so much!

      I've started including construction notes as often as I can, and I do find myself referring back to them on repeat makes! So I think I'll keep it up, and so much the better if they help some other folks out!

  26. You've hit the bull's eye with this outfit
    Right down to your reasoning for wearing this particular pair of shoes. :-)

    Btw, why am I hearing so much about Ethiopian food all of a sudden
    Told my daughter about it and that there are some vegan dishes included in this cuisine.

    Love your posts, Gail


    1. Thanks, Gerry! I would have loved to wear my turquoise wedges, but with 4" heels, they're not very practical!

      You are hearing about Ethiopian food because it is DELICIOUS! I don't know if they are vegan, but I'm an ovo-lacto vegetarian and I've never had a hard time finding anything to eat in an Ethiopian place. My all-time favorite is Gomen: collard greens.

    2. Gail, anything I know about Ethiopian
      I learn from wikepedia
      Would love to be able to experience it for myself
      However, here in the capital city of MO
      chances of that every happening is slim-to-none
      But love to know and hear about it.

      Daughter would no doubt love the collard greens


  27. the fit is perfection! I love it :)

  28. That is just a gorgeous dress! Very nicely done. And yes, I go to ridiculous lengths to protect my beloved shoes if I know the weather will be wet. I have even purchased some faux leather (read Pleather) shoes and call them my "Galoshes/gumboots" so that I don't have to worry about drenched and ruined leather on wet days :)

    1. Thanks, Jillian! And I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who's so protective of shoes!


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