
Thursday, July 18, 2013

One Trick Pony

After a lot of thought and vacillation, a decision has been made.

The Awesome Fabric is well on its way to becoming another Hazel dress, rather than a Lonsdale.

I am at peace with this decision, and have already pulled some great pieces to accessorize it.

And because I bought enough for the Lonsdale (which is twice the amount needed for a Hazel) I'm thinking the leftover can become a cropped Victoria Blazer . . .


  1. This fabric will make an amazing Hazel dress - great decision! And a cropped Blazer as well...double bonus!

  2. This fabric will look awesome as a hazel. Good choice. I can't wait to see it finished :)) xx

  3. omg that is going to be a fabulous blazer! well and dress too of course :-) Such great fabric!

  4. oooh good choice! either dress would work, but now that you mentioned blazer for the leftover fabric i can't wait to see that made up!

  5. That fabric will work brilliantly as a Victoria blazer!

  6. Awesome fabric! Love your plans!

  7. Excellent choice. Looking forward to seeing this fabulous fabric as both of those things! Also can't wait to see your modeled Lonsdale! :)

  8. It is going to be a beauty in this fabric. Good choice!

  9. This will make a very pretty Hazel dress and I agree that the leftovers should go to a Victoria Blazer. What kind of lining would you use? I'm making the sleeveless version (rather unmaking it since I have some unpicking to do tonight), but it's a really fun make!

  10. Great choice or the fabric - and you worked so hard to get the fit of the Hazel right it makes perfect sense to make another :)

  11. The Hazel is going to look gorgeous in that fabric, as will the Victoria blazer.

  12. Reckon the fabric would suit both dresses and I'll be really interested to see the Victoria blazer. Jackets scare me!

  13. Whatever works and makes you happy is what counts.


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