
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Beautiful on the inside.

Remember when I finished my coat?  And I kept saying I loved it so much that I was planning on making another?  I wasn't just being effusive - I'd already ordered the fabric for coat #2, and it came the very next day after I showed you coat #1.

I wasn't really planning on starting it right away, but the weather is so dreary here today that I just needed a boost of color.  So I cut and constructed the lining:

Yep, it's more of that Sinister Swarm - this time in voile.  BTW, I can confirm that those are moths - they have fuzzy antennae.  The colors in this print are just incredible:  chartreuse, coral, turquoise, lavender, ochre,  umber, orange, wine, pink and light blue.  I would never have come up with that palette - Anna Maria Horner is a genius!

The outer this time around is a solid sateen in coral, my new favorite color.  It's a little lighter in real life than what I could capture on this overcast day:

I think it's a good thing I've decided to start this so soon after the first one - the process is still fresh in my mind.  I was able to construct this lining without referring to the directions!  This time I'm planning on making self-covered buttons from the outer fabric, and bound buttonholes to make it a little bit fancier.

I often sew the same pattern two or even three times in a row.  Do you guys do that?


  1. i love that fabric! my kids really like moths for some reason, they would go crazy for it. the colors are awesome, version two will be just as beautiful as the first! have to admit, i rarely sew the same pattern twice. however, lately my sewing has turned toward the more practical, and more practical everyday items i can definitely have multiples of.

    1. I'm generally suspicious of creatures with exoskeletons, but these ones are pretty :-)

      Hmmm . . . since you rarely sew the same pattern twice, I'm very curious to know if you cut up your tissue or trace it. Sometimes I feel like a dork tracing patterns I only make once, but I can't bring myself to cut the tissue because you just never know!

    2. i have become a tracer! mostly because i have to hack away at my patterns so much sometimes i need to start over... not dorky at all!

  2. Wow, I'd wear that as is! Beautiful...

    1. Me too! I'm thinking I should get some more to make a blouse. I just love it!

  3. Replies
    1. Hehehe - for once I didn't get interrupted by stuff too!

  4. Oh dear, my poor father would not like that lining, he has an irrational fear of moths. I think that they are all so wildly different that it is fascinating! This coat is going to be even better than the last one (if that's even possible)! It won't hurt to have two beautiful, unique coats for spring.

    1. Hehehe - my thinking exactly! I'm hoping I can stop at two . . .

  5. What an absolutely beautiful lining! And what a great idea to sew it twice :) I want to do that, but I'm never enamoured enough with my makes to do it again straight away, lol :)

    1. Oh, had I not mentioned that I love my coat? LOL! I don't usually do the second one right away, but sometimes I do! Like with the Renfrew.

  6. Really beautiful fabric! And yes, I *always* do that... ;-)

    1. Oh yeah! You're the queen of serial pattern usage! LOL!

  7. That fabric!!! I love the moths. In fact, was thinking of it for my April outfit.... but not decided yet :)

    1. Ooooh, I'm intrigued! Very curious to know what pattern you'd choose for this fabric!

  8. You certainly get a bang for your buck. And what patience. I don't sew but for a knitting pattern, I have to take a break from a pattern.
    The fabric is fun and so spring.

    1. I do get a bang for my buck - which I then spend on other sewing patterns! LOL!


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