
Thursday, December 13, 2012


Here's number two in my series of colorful tee shirts to get me through the winter:

Whoa!!   How many of you sewing enthusiasts saw this in the Girl Charlee sale and said, "Nah.  Ain't gonna happen.  No way, no how?"  OR:  did any of you buy it too?  I quite like it.  It makes me feel like a party girl, which is pretty much the opposite of who I really am.

Of course, it's my beloved Dolman-Sleeve Top pattern from Cation Designs.  I really can't get enough of this pattern.  This time I lengthened the sleeves by extending them out 5" beyond the line of the pattern, which made for a very close-fitting, 3/4 length sleeve.  Here's a view of the back, showing both the awesomeness of the fabric and the dolman-y goodness:

I think Niecey-poo was a little jealous of this fabric!

The fabric is a cotton/rayon blend, very soft and drapey, but one of those fabrics that takes forever to arrange into a nice fold before cutting.  I spent a good 45 minutes just on that.  While I was doing so, I discovered a hole in the middle; luckily it was near the edge.   I inspected the fabric and didn't see any more holes, so I thought I was safe.  Imagine my horror when I was giving the top its final press, and discovered another hole on the back near the side seam!  I was able to fuse some knit interfacing to the inside to stabilize it, but I think this shirt will have to be for party wear only because it's so delicate.

So:  anybody want to invite me to a party?


  1. That tee is a party all by itself! (A tee party?) ;)
    I love it!
    Sorry about the holes though - my bird-print like yours (cream with red birds) has a few tiny ladders where the pins were - oops!

    1. Hahaha! You're so funny! :-)

      Oooh. I really ought to get some ball-point pins I guess!

  2. Nice new t! I didn't see this print on Girl Charlee's site (mostly because I don't visit the site so as not to get tempted) but had I seen it, I would have looked right past it. I'm always brutal at seeing the potential in prints and the reason I stick to mostly solids. If only I could be a party girl like you :)

    1. Well, my motto is: the more garish, the better!

  3. love it! you're right--i never would have bought that fabric, but it looks great! too bad about the holes though, that's a shame.

    1. As a former hippie, I have a thing for tie-dye! I'm really hoping no more holes show up!

  4. I like the optical illusion it gives. It's not shiny right? It looks shiny in the pictures, because of the white across the bust.
    That's pretty bad about the holes though :O Lucky it was in a less troublesome spot..

    1. No, it's not shiny. It does have a very slight sheen though, and I was standing right under a light because that was a very overcast day!

  5. Very cute, Gail! I missed this fabric because I've been trying to stay faaaar awaaaaay from GC, but the print works great for this top! Party on... :)

    1. Shoot! I thought for sure you would have gotten this one! I ought to stay a little further away from GC too . . .

  6. I picture you as a party girl, the type who throws amazing and sophisticated dinner parties where you might wear such a shirt. Also, the title of this post definitely had me giggling.

  7. I love this! It's way cute! I love loud, abstract prints. :)

  8. I love how you make your own clothes and go for bold prints!


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