
Thursday, September 20, 2012

An unusual reaction.

Wow, everybody!  Thank you so much for all the lovely compliments on my dress!  I'm hoping I get to wear it sooner rather than later.  I was encouraged when a friend said yesterday it is supposed to be cold on Sunday.  But then I looked at the forecast, and it is only supposed to get down to 60 degrees (Fahrenheit, of course!) - cool, but not cold enough for a full-on wool dress!

Here's another project I've got going on the sidelines.  (I want to get my big project a little further along before I take any pictures - at the moment it only consists of ribbing.  Not too exciting!)  I bought this ball of sock yarn back in early August when Alicia and I got together and went yarn shopping in our coordinating outfits.  This is one of those self-striping yarns, in colors that don't really go with anything.  But I was strangely drawn to it - I kept coming back to it in the store, and finally decided it had to come home with me.  A couple weeks later I cast on and made the first sock:

Here's the unusual reaction:  I don't really want to make the second sock!  Not because of Second Sock Syndrome (I've never suffered from that, thankfully), but because seeing it like this in my knitting basket makes me feel so happy!  I just really love these colors together, and I think it's fun to see the sock and the ball of yarn next to each other.  Once I finish the second sock, they'll be put away in my sock drawer and I won't see them nearly as often, although I suspect they're going to become a favorite pair.  So I think this will remain In Progress for a while.

Have any of you ever felt this way about something you were working on?  I feel this way a lot about books I read, but this is the first time I can remember feeling this way about my knitting!  I'm usually very driven to finish!


  1. LOVE that yarn. Striped socks are the primary reason I am trying to learn to knit, and those are *great* colors! I'm jealous of your socks-to-be.

    1. That's so funny! Most people learn to knit for making sweaters! I do love hand-knit socks - so cozy!

  2. I feel like that all the time! I love cakes of yarn and how they look before being knitted into the object so I often enjoy just looking at my in-progress object alongside its cake of origin! ; )

    1. I feel that way a lot about my handspun - I would rather look at it in the hank than knit with it!

  3. Haha, that is funny! But the ball is actually pretty nice looking so I totally get it! Just looks so pretty :)

  4. You could set up a little display of the yarn and the sock together (throw some knitting needles for good measure) on your coffee table and call it an "art installation" that way it could live there permanently (ha!). I can't recall ever feeling that way about anything I've made but I certainly suffer for second sock (or mitten) syndrome.

    1. Hehehe!

      I think I don't have SSS because for me, socks are never a main project - they're always like a little "snack" on the side.

  5. I totally understand why your are drawn to the yarn, because I like it too. Unusual and very pretty combination. But you know what they say about love - the best way to get rid of it is find another love object (and I do mean other yarn :). Thus you'll manage to finish the pair :)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. maybe you need ot buy one of those "box frames" and hang it on your wall until you really really NEED new socks!

    1. Ha! It will be quite some time until I NEED new socks!

  7. That is a really unusual set of colors but thy look so great together. I find it funny that second sock syndrome isn't the problem. But think of you getting to wear those awesome colors! I really hope you can wear the dress soon!

  8. Sock Art
    is wonderful ! ! ! !

    One of the reasons we're drawn to yarn and fiber.



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