
Monday, July 16, 2012

Ham, in situ

I finished my tailor's ham on Saturday night!  Here it is nestled among some of my sewing things, from the cotton side:

And from the wool side:

Right next to my lovely pincushion from Pincushion Treats!

I'm so happy I finally have this pressing tool, and even more happy I was able to make it from scraps that would have otherwise ended up in a landfill.  As I was doing all my sewing last week, I took all my serger cuttings and stuffed them into the ham as the little catcher box filled up.  I ended up using yet another toilet paper roll to make a little funnel for sliding the bits in easily.

And on the subject of toilet paper rolls, here's my stash of rolled up patterns I told you about last week.  This is one of the bedside tables in my guest room.  That room is slowly being taken over by sewing!


  1. I love your ham! Oh, and isn't that really what guest rooms are for? : )

  2. Ham! Man Friend finds it too hilarious that they're called hams and gets really excited when I use it. Simple pleasures...

    I'm glad you were able to put scraps to good use! And I have to say that your ham looks so completely you! The fabrics have a very "Gail" look to them! :)

    Will you try to indoctrinate your niece with the love of stitchin' this week?

    1. So do I! Especially since I've been a vegetarian for 30 years - but I just had to have my ham, LOL! In my defense, I'm also hoping to make the kidney bean.

      I might try to indoctrinate Niecey-poo, but so far she hasn't been interested.

  3. Great idea to use scraps. Is there a reason why one side is wool and the other cotton? I've never used a ham, but I'm pretty sure I would like to have one. I'll consider making one of these!

    1. I think the wool side is used for fabrics that need more cushioning so that the seam doesn't get a ridge when you press it, like fine silks.

      I have found it makes such a difference in pressing curved seams! Supposed to be great for getting darts to the right shape too, although I haven't made anything with darts for a while.

  4. I so need to make a ham. Yours came out so well. Looks so cute next to the pincushion.

    My guest room is also being taken over by my sewing. I had a guest recently and had to get creative with putting things away!

    1. Hehehe! I'm really glad to know I'm not the only one!

  5. Great storage idea, Gail! Looks as though your collection is growing, perhaps a cataloging system is going to have to be your next step :*)

    Your Ham looks to be perfection. Will be getting lots of use and will make your sewing life easier and more efficient, I'd think.

    Stay cool, gal.


    1. Yes, I'm starting to overflow my space on that nightstand! But there's another one on the other side of the bed ;-)

  6. Honestly, it sounds like your guest room is a wonderland of crafty possibilities! I love it! I'm also so glad that you finished your mostly upcycled sewing tool, how clever you are!

    1. It is that! My NEXT house will have a whole room for my crafty stuff, but that kind of space is hard to come by in the city.

  7. It's a great ham Gail,and thank you for informing me as to its purpose. Love how you use your space, we all must do what we can for our craft! :)

    1. My BFF also told me that she uses her for seaming her knits. Definitely going to be trying that!

  8. What a pretty ham, haha. They are so useful. I read the wool side is what you're supposed to use to press wools? I don't know how it matters though!

    1. The two sides certainly have different textures. The wool side is a little "stickier." I'm just going to experiment with it!


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