
Friday, June 8, 2012

AMH Museum Tunic

Ever since I saw Anna Maria Horner's Museum Tunic last summer, I've wanted to make one.  A couple months ago, the fabric went on sale at, so I placed my order.  I wanted to make it in dusky purple like the original, but by that time the only color available was sunny yellow - which I also love - so I went with that.

Yesterday I just couldn't stand it any more, so I got out my machine and my fabric and went to town.  And here's my dress:

Hubby said, "Oooh!  It looks like a butterfly!"

I know it doesn't look like much on the hanger!  But I decided at the last minute to have some friends over for dinner, so I didn't want to take time to do a whole "photoshoot" - I'm writing this as my eggplant is roasting!  I'll see if I can get my friend to take some pictures later, since I plan on wearing it this evening!

It took me three hours to make this dress, mostly because Every. Seam. is folded back and topstitched down:

top:  from right side; bottom:  from wrong side

And also because I decided that rather than zigzag on 1/4" elastic like the original, I'd try my hand at shirring the waist:

I had to spend a fair amount of time getting the tension just right so that the upper thread wouldn't break.  It's not the neatest shirring in the world, but I'm pretty happy with it as a first attempt.

I loosely followed this tutorial, which links to another great tutorial explaining how to do shirring.  I didn't underline my dress like she did, because I always wear a slip anyway and I wanted this dress to be really light.  And it made more sense to me to sew up the side seams first and then do the shirring.  I did it all in one go, rather that starting and stopping each row.  And of course, the seam where I started and stopped - which I'd thought was the side seam - turned out to be the center front.

BUT!  I'll be getting a do-over!  Because this morning I got an email from Hawthorne Threads alerting me that the fabric was back in stock, in the color I originally wanted!

Click!  Ordered!


  1. oooo it looks lovely ! I cant wait to see it as an ensemble. I am LOVING the yellow ! xx

    1. Thanks, Kirsty! It's probably not the best shape for my body type, but I just love the fabric SOOO much!

  2. The shirring looks great! And I LOVE the colors! Can't wait to see this on you!

  3. This is a wonderful summer wear.
    For one, it's Sunny Yellow Gorgeous
    just right for the dayz to come.
    Pop it on, and off you go.

    Yellow is a great change-up from our usual.

    I'm looking for that 'just right yellow yarn or fabric.
    DD#2 and I are day-tripping to a couple of our fav quilt/fabric shops. Me, I'm a cotton gal when it come to summer things.


    oh, oh, you are going to show us your newest fabric just as soon as it arrives, aren't you?

    1. You know I'll show you!

      Hope you had a great day with DD! I miss doing that stuff with my Mom :-)

  4. Love it! Can't wait to see it on :) I'm a massive fan of yellow - I don't wear enough - this fabric is super pretty. I had to laugh about the side seam turning up at the front! That's something I'd do!

  5. Wow, you're so fast! 3 hours? lol, that would take me forver! But it looks great, what a lovely colour! Looking forward to seeing it on :)
    p.s roasted eggplant? Jealouuuus! :D

    1. It was delish too! Roasted eggplant + salt + garlic + melted butter on top (just a bit), dipped onto bread = Mmmmmmm!

  6. I love it! I bet it suits you perfectly - especially when cooking with a glass of wine. Very 1973 in the best way! I'm with Jo - you made this super quickly.

    1. It's very empire-waisted, which isn't my preferred look. But because of the print placement, you can't really have the elastic anywhere else.

  7. I love this! I want one. I am not a seamstress by any stretch. But, I have gained so much confidence after teaching myself to knit. Maybe I can give it a whirl. I can't wait to see it on you. Did you use a pattern or just wing it?

    1. The construction of this one is not difficult at all - you could do it! I used the tutorial I linked to above (toward the bottom). Anna Maria Horner also has a tutorial on her website, but it's not as detailed.

  8. I saw Anna Marie's tutorial after I posted. Ive had more coffee now so I can navigate a little better now. I'll check out the link you put. I thought it was just for the elastic at the waist.
    I'll let you know if I get brave ;)

  9. Love the colors! Photo shoot soon?


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