
Monday, March 26, 2012

While the cat's away . . .

The mouse is having a crafting week!

Hubby has gone to a week-long conference, so I've set aside the whole week to get some sewing done and also try to make some headway on my Winnie and Ava sweaters.

I've been planning this week since I found out Hubby would be gone, about 2 months ago.  My original plan was to start the Peony dress from scratch and finally conquer that pattern.  But as the time drew nearer, I decided that I'd rather work on the Clover pants.  These are both projects that will take a fair amount of effort and concentration, so having a wide-open space of time is essential for me.

Before I get started on the pants though, I have a couple other things I want to get done.  I started a new Ginger skirt yesterday while Hubby was getting ready to go, and I got quite a bit further than I'd expected to:

I just have to insert the zipper, finish the waistband and hem it.  Then I'll move on to a blouse pattern I've had since about 1999 - just a plain, button-up convertible collar blouse, but I've got a cute floral fabric that looks great with both this skirt and the Madeleine I finished several weeks ago (that I still owe modeled pictured of!).   This blue twill and the floral lawn are off-list sewing - these fabrics sort of fell into my basket last month while I was ordering fabric for a couple of things that are on the list!

The first go of the blouse is actually going to be a muslin to make sure the fit is OK, before I use the beautiful Anna Maria Horner voile I've been sitting on for a few months.  I'm not sure if I'll start the second blouse before I start the pants - we'll see how things go in the next day or two.  It's a pretty ambitious plan:

1 skirt
2 blouses
1 pair of pants

Hubby comes home Friday night!  So I'd better get cracking!

Oh, but before I do, take a look at this color:

I don't think the photo completely conveys the neon magnificence of this polish, but it almost does.  I'm totally in love with this!  It's Zoya Ali; I got it on sale for $4 a couple weeks ago at Ulta.  I really just bought it because it was cheap and pink, but now that I've tried it, I'm so glad I did!  I think this color makes me look tan.  And it definitely puts a smile on my face!


  1. Wow, very ambitious! I would quite like a ginger skirt, but I'm not allowing myself any more patterns at the moment!
    Can't wait to see your progress!

    Oh, and that shot of your WIP confused me, I was like "was she hanging from the ceiling to take that??" Haha :)

    1. The ginger is such a great pattern! If you ever feel the need of a pattern that will give you a quick and successful result, I'd say this is it!

      Pictured is my dining room, a.k.a. my sewing room. No need to hang from the ceiling; the dining room is open to the second floor. I took the picture from the balcony - much safer than hanging from the ceiling!

  2. I LOVE that polish! So springy! Can't wait to see your skirt. :)

    1. I had a feeling you would like that! It's very springy and summery. I'm thinking it would make a great pedicure!

  3. I think I might have to give sewing another try...Clover pants?! Oh yes, I do need a pair!

  4. A cute blue Ginger! I'm going to love it. Looking forward to your Madeleine photos too!

    1. I have a pile-up of finished items I need to take pictures of. I'm so lazy about it!

  5. I have a strong feeling that you'll be checking off every item from this amazing 'to do' list! Have fun.

  6. Oh so many lovely projects! I look forward to seeing them... and as for your nail polish, I can see that you are going to get me hooked. I really do need to take more care of my nails so I can paint them orange too!

    1. It's not too hard to get hooked on polish! But it does sort of cut into knitting and sewing time . . .

  7. LOOOOVE the Ali! So now you need to get fabric (and yarn) in that color :-)

    1. Hehehe! Yesterday I was buying some Clinique skin products, and the saleslady started looking for a lipstick to match it! As if I would wear anything that bright on my face! Even I'm not THAT garish!

  8. Have never heard of a better reason to buy polish.


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