
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Eye Candy

The weather is pretty dreary in these parts today, and Hubby just delivered the news that we're expecting 6" of snow overnight.  So I thought I'd pretty things up with some images from the spring Phildar knitting magazines I got last week.

I grabbed all these images from the Phildar website, and I order my magazines from there as well.  I've been ordering directly from France for several years; it used to be a hit-or-miss proposition, but about a year and a half ago, Phildar totally revamped their website, and now the delivery is really swift - I usually have my magazines within the week!

The two new women's magazines for spring are No. 69 and No. 70.  Here are my favorites from No. 69:

This looks so French to me!

You can always count on Phildar for navy and white
(or black and white) for spring!

Crochet on top, knit on bottom!

You can't see it here, but the stripes are textured.

And here are my faves from No. 70.  Actually, now that I think about it, No. 70 also has men's patterns.  Nice ones, too.  But I'm only showing the women's designs today.

Happy stripes!

So sweet, and practical.

Gah!  I love this!

It's entirely possible that I'm drawn to this one just because
it's orange.

Because it's Self Indulgent Birthday Week, I'm spending the afternoon watching movies and knitting.  I've finished the back and one front of my Karanfil cardi, and should be able to finish the second front today.  Here's a pic of the back I snapped a couple days ago:

Do any of you knitters use Phildar patterns?  I've made several, but it's been a couple years since my last one.  Doesn't stop me from buying the magazines though!


  1. Oooh, I like that little Channel(ish) jacket. Between tonight and tomorrow we're supposed to get that much snow as well. Thanks for the eye candy!

    1. I love that one too; wonder if I would have time to make it up?

  2. These are all so cute! I've never used Phildar patterns, but I'll have to keep a look out from now on! I got obsessed with La Droguerie patterns when I first started knitting-- they're so classic and chic (although hard to get a hold of in the U.S.).

    Sorry about the bad weather! It's sunny and 56 in NYC today, which I'm really enjoying (especially since it gets cold and rainy tonight). Stay home and knit!!

    1. The French have a certain style, don't they? I've always liked the lines of the patterns I've seen from La Droguerie, but I've never tried one.

    2. They do! They're so effortless elegant (or at least great at appearing effortlessly elegant)! I have one of their patterns on deck, but I sort of bumped it to the back of the line after a Sad Internet Yarn Incident (you know, the thing where the yarn looks like a lovely grey, so you order it, but when it arrives, it's definitely purple?).

  3. I love the patterns and thank you for doing such a lovely post about them. I've never seen them in person, are they in French?

    1. The ones I buy are in French. Phildar does translate some, but not all, of its pattern books. But since I speak French, I just buy the French ones so that I have more options available.

      If you go to the website, there is a button for the English site, but I noticed that it is currently being revamped. In the past, the English site only sold the magazines that had been translated into English. Not sure how it will be organized from here out though.

  4. Very pretty! I haven't spoken French in years, but I think I could follow the patterns!
    Six inches of snow, seriously? We have been 83 degrees today! I want to be where you are!

    1. Oh man - I would totally trade places!

      I find the Phildar patterns really easy to follow. I think if you know a few basic French knitting words, you can do the rest with the numbers given in the pattern and the schematics. The schematics are really fantastic - very clear!

  5. I love Phildar patterns. It's been a while since I've knitted one, but my absolutely favourite garment that I've ever knitted was a beautiful cabled sweater for my husband.

    Its good to know that they've revamped their delivery system. It used to be pretty poor and that's why I haven't knitted anything of theirs for a while. Perhaps its time to revisit them....

    1. They even send an email now, saying "delivery at the latest by . . . ." and like I said, it's usually only 4 or 5 days (at least to Chicago)!

      Their baby patterns are fantastic too, aren't they?

  6. I've never knit any Phildar patterns as my French is very, very limited. Some cute patterns though!

    It always amazes me how your weather is so much more extreme than I get when I'm just 3 hours south. Silly lake. :)

    1. I guess I shouldn't complain. It hasn't been too bad this year.

  7. Phildar was big in the UK in the 80's and my mother used to knit a lot of their patterns. But they closed all their shops and I haven't seen any patterns since. I love that crochet-topped white and navy number!

    1. I used to be able to get them in Michigan too, when I was in my twenties (i.e., the '80s). I think they decided to do business only in France sometime in the early 2000s. I was working in a yarn shop from 1999 - 2001, and at first we could get Phildar magazines and yarns, but then they stopped distributing to the US. Thank goodness for the internet!

  8. I really love that first coral one with the bobbles on the sleeves, if it had more of a smaller keyhole neckline. Great shape! I've never knit any Phildar patterns but quite like some of them.

    1. I really like that one too, but with my less-than-well-endowed figure, it probably wouldn't look fantastic.

  9. thanks for the intro to this glamours mag, Gail.
    p.s. am going to begin swatching for Intagliata Henley this week.

  10. I'll look forward to seeing what color you choose!

  11. Hey! you're the winner of my 7th giveaway at Invisible Flower (60s shifts). Send me your snail-mail address (I'm apound on gmail) and I'll get them out to you this week!


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