
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Knitting News

I just made a new page for the knitting projects I'm planning for spring.  This warmer, sunnier weather has me encouraged!

I'm proud to say that of the 5 projects currently on the list, I only had to buy yarn for the first one - everything else is coming from my stash!

I finally finished Hubby's Very Warm Hat on Saturday.  Just in time for the warmer weather, LOL!  I was surprised by how tedious this one felt to me - once I'd finished the first hat, I felt like I should be done, so the second hat felt like it took forever! I did make it a little longer than I normally would, so that he can really pull it down over his ears if he wants to:

Or he can fold it back:

I think this ought to keep the wind out!

My Still Light dress is really starting to look dress-like now.  I've finished both pockets and one sleeve.  I may be able to finish the second sleeve today.  I've been doing all the finishing as I go along (although there's really not much to do), so once I cast off, I'll be done!  Exciting!


  1. I thought I was the only one who had a forever hat! Over the holiday's I had one that just would reach the end!
    Yours looks great.
    You are knitting a dress?! I can't wait to see it.

  2. Thanks, Tracey! The dress is more of a tunic. We'll see how brave I am in wearing it!

  3. Yay! Still Light! Can't wait to see it!

    Hubby is so lucky to have someone willing to custom knit him what he needs! :)

  4. The hat looks awesome! Does your husband like it? :)

  5. That's a really lovely hat, I'm sure your husband will appreciate it! We're presently having some unusual arctic weather here (-22C, which I think is -8F - freezing!) and my husband only wears the double (skull) hat I knit him. Before that hat he used to complain about the cold penetrating through "the holes" of his other knitted hat, just like, as far as I remember, you said your husband did :)

  6. I love your spring knit choices. I see you have a few stripey ones and I am in a stripey mood too! I guess that comes with thoughts of spring!

  7. Thanks, everybody! Just got done cleaning the house and now I'm going to sit down and work on that sleeve!

    Ginger: yes, since Hubby is my only baby, he's very spoiled :-)

    Erin Kate: I think he likes it - he didn't really say!

    Carmela: Your hubby is even luckier than mine, since you did awesome colorwork on his hat! I'm glad to hear that this style is nice and warm, even in those frigid temperatures! Yikes!

    Kristen: yes, what is it about Spring and stripes? And polka dots too!

  8. Great hat! I like your spring choices, too. None of them had been on my radar, but they're all lovely. I especially like St. Raphael!

  9. Thanks! I'm a little on the fence about the white collar on St. Raphael. I figure I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, like I usually do!

  10. I love the pocket detail on that tunic.
    Veera Välimäki designed the Stripe Study Shawl I just posted to my blog. Have also looked at her 'Different Lines' shawl. Maybe some time soon.
    But back to the pocket detail. Are the instructions complex? I am hoping straight forward. What's you opinion?


  11. Gail, the Special Issue of Knitscene has Hannah Fettig's Panthera Vest

    I think the pockets are very similar
    ???? you think ????

  12. Gerry, I think the pockets look similar, but it seems the construction might be a little different. The pocket construction on the Still Light tunic is quite ingenious; I'm going to try to get some good pictures of it, but honestly I didn't really understand it until I did it. But I think the instructions are very clear. I made it a little harder on myself by basically making up my own size, but even then, I was able to figure out what to do - and math is NOT my forte!

  13. Upon closer inspection I some see a couple of big differences. The Panthera's pocket construction is rather basic and begin right at the pocket opening while the Still Light begins it fold just under the bust line.
    Hmmm, I wonder - - - - - may have to add to my Rav queue

  14. I love your spring knitting list ... excellent selections and all but one from your stash!? Awesome.

  15. I hope I'm able to make them all! I'm not done with my "winter" list, but I'm ready to move on to spring!


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