
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Golden Tiger

Heh.  Sounds like the name of a sushi roll.  The special kind, that has its own section on the menu and  costs twice as much as the regular kind.

But it's really my nails:

I started out with Zoya Tao, but got kind of bored with all that grey.  So I stamped on the tiger design from Konad plate m69 with China Glaze 2030.

Now I'm ready to pounce on the day.


  1. I love this one. I love what you keep coming up with.

  2. Thanks, Kristen! I was really happy with this one because the metallic stamping came out nice and crisp :-)

  3. Ohmigosh, that's one of my favs so far. Fierce!

  4. I'm so fierce, I can gobble up two whole sushi rolls!


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