
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Bah, humbug.

After four days of work, I finally finished my raspberry silk Jasmine top today.

I hate it.

I was trying to work slowly and carefully, but I had such a hard time with this fabric.  I'm not sure what fabric it is, exactly; it's a lightweight plain weave silk.  It was very slippery and hard to keep hold of, especially since much of this top is on the bias.

The end product is fraught with problems.  First off, it's way too big on me, even with my industrial-strength bra.  I did the same size as last time, size 2, but I think I have to finally accept the fact that I'm a size 0 up top.

Both times I've made this pattern, I've really struggled with getting the collar to lay nicely.  I'm not really sure what I'm doing wrong.  If I make it again, I'll be doing it in a cotton voile to see if a little more grip in the fabric helps things along.  I think I'd also better do a fair bit of research on sewing bias-cut garments.  I clearly have room for improvement in this area.

I also made a very stupid mistake, but by the time I realized it, I was already "in hate" with the thing, so I just let it go.  Because there's no clear right or wrong side to this fabric, I made two right sleeves.  So of course the gathers at the top don't fall where they should on the left sleeve head.  I'm going to blame the fact that I've been a little under the weather the last couple days.  Yeah, that's it . . .

I did learn a valuable lesson though.  Inspired by Lizz over at A Good Wardrobe, I decided to hand-baste the sleeves in before sewing them down, and boy, did that make a difference.  I think it actually saved time, since I didn't feel like I was struggling to keep hold of everything.   Thanks, Lizz!

So - another fail.

At least I have the satisfaction of crossing it off the list!


  1. Oh no! It's a beautiful color, Gail. The fabric sounds like habotai but that's just a guess.
    I'm just sick that it doesn't fit. Perhaps you'll find someone who can wear it so that it doesn't go to waste? It very well could be that you need to go down a size but bias is tricky and fabrics can behave differently with it. At school I've had bias cut skirts made with the same pattern but different fabrics come out perfectly, too big, and WAY too small. It's such a mysterious process and I'd love to take a in depth class on bias.

  2. Hmmm . . . I'm learning so much from you, Lizz! I'm prepared to call this one a $15 lesson. Yes, another cheapo silk from Vogue!

  3. Haha, I totally did a double take there....
    I had trouble with the collar too, and I can't blame the fabric because that *is* a voile. Oh well.

  4. Whoa! Yours looks way better than mine! And how have I missed your blog? I can't wait to read it!

  5. Ah, the miserable sewing experience. It's a special kind of awful. Sorry you've had a bad time. I'm sure, if you decide to do this again, you will have a much better outcome. Or, you could just move on to something new that catches your fancy :-)

  6. Yes, I'm going to lick my wounds by knitting for a while!

  7. Yes, knitting is the best remedy! Don't despair ... it doesn't look that awful and think about all your wonderful successes! xo

  8. It looks OK on the hanger, but on me - just way too big. After I'm done being mad at it, I'll see if I can layer it under a cardi and get some use out of it that way. Otherwise, it's into the Goodwill pile!

  9. Aw man, I'm sorry, Gail. Would you like it more, even if it's too big, if you removed the sleeves and finished the armholes for a more summery top?

  10. Ummm . . . the problem is in another area. I would have to go from my current B-cup to at least a DD!!

  11. Ugh. I hate that awful sinking feeling when you know something is not going to work out. Bias is so tricky and unpredictable, and bias + slippery is a real challenge. I don't know if you did it or not, but hanging the pieces up for awhile before you sew them up helps them stretch out in whatever way they're going to. Then you put your pattern piece over it again and trim if you need to.

    I know you have an awesome DH, but if I were you, I'd go read the Handmade Ryan Gosling tumblr blog for awhile. I get a huge kick out of it, LOL!


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