
Friday, June 3, 2011

Fancy Shoe Friday. Now with added polish!

Today's fancy shoes were chosen with the express intent of showing off the polish I'm currently wearing on my toes,  Essie Braziliant:

I really love the color.  You can't see it in all lights, and not in these photos, but it has a very subtle hot pink shimmer.  I had some trouble applying it though - it was rather streaky.  It took me three coats to even it out.  Well worth the trouble.

The shoes are another pair that have only ever been worn for FSK, and here's one of the reasons why:

Yikes, that's a high, unstable heel!

Also, they don't really go with anything.  I bought them on sale, probably 6 years ago (the box was stamped 2005, that's how I know), because I loved them.  But I could never figure out what to wear them with.

Also, I have really goof pinky toes that just don't do well with strappy sandals.

I was able to do a fair amount of knitting the last couple days, and have finished the back of the Jan Sweater and about half the front, started Maris, and also started a second crocheted hat.  Here's what was on my nails while I did it:

China Glaze Starboard, looking sad and bedraggled after a couple days wear, just before being removed and replaced with Zoya Minka.  But that's tomorrow's story.


  1. Very nice! I'm looking forward to the Minka story since I've got my eye on that one.

  2. I knew you wanted to see it! It's already messed up :-( because I've been sewing and ironing all afternoon!

  3. Yea, for green ! !
    I've never bought a shoe that was for show only. How sad a tale is this?


  4. I may have a bit of a problem in the shoe department . . . .


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