
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Pass the Butter, please.

butter LONDON Jaffa

I wasn't sure why people would spend $14 on a bottle of nail polish.

I get it now.

This has got to be one of the silkiest, easiest-to-apply formulas I've ever used.  The brush is perfect.  It went on like . . . well, butter.

I was curious to see if all the raving people were doing was warranted, so when I got a 20% of promotion from, I decided to try it out.  I had a hard time choosing a color though, because honestly, most of the colors looks like things I have in my stash from other brands.  I settled on Jaffa because I've been looking for a retina-burning orange.  Not neon, just true, balanced orange.

And I still haven't found it.  This one is more coral than I was expecting, and sheerer too.  Even with three coats, there is still a little VNL:

But I don't care.  I really like it.

I did check my stash to see if anything I have looks like a dupe, and Zoya Elodie is a contender.  If I can remember, I'll swatch it out before I remove this.

One last look:

essie first base basecoat
three coats Jaffa
essie good to go


  1. Not certain if this color would end up in my stash, but sure looks smooth and shiny. I think that's half the fight to having great nails.

  2. I'm really liking it - it's wearing well so far!

  3. It really is so flattering on you! I like it too.

  4. Thanks! It's such a happy color!

  5. How wild -- I just got this very color TODAY! Out of all the colors on the display, this one spoke to me. I haven't applied it yet, so it's great to see it on you. Now I can't wait!

  6. Can't wait to see it on you!

  7. Well, I can't wait to see it on another either. Maybe I'll have to go shopping. :^)


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