
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Swap Results

Here's a quick one for those who expressed interest in some of my swap items.  The only piece that had more than one request was the printed denim.  I put the following names into the hat:  Barbara J., Becky and Dottie.  The name I drew was Becky!

The grey linen will be going to Morgan.

The pink pique will be going to Kathryn.

And the quilting cottons will be going to Sam. 

You've all been contacted by email, so look out for my note and send me your mailing addresses.  I'll get these out to you next week.

The remaining items will go into the swap page in the flickr group, so if anybody wants any of those items, you still have a chance to let me know.

Thanks to all who took part in the swap!


  1. Rats for not winning, but many thanks for your generosity in offering the goods. I hope Becky shows us what she makes from that printed denim.

  2. Yay! Thanks Gail! Have you emailed me already? I just ask because I can't see anything in my inbox yet. My email is kmhairi [at] gmail [dot] com
    Now I need to think what to do with it!

    1. PM'd you - let me know if you don't get it!


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