
Monday, January 13, 2014

Stash Diet Swap Update!

Hi all you dieters!  How you feeling?  Anybody weak in the knees yet?  Sitting next to your stash to inhale the fabric fumes?

In the week since Morgan put up the Stash Diet Swap Guidelines, we've had more members join and lots of stuff has gone up for swap.  We heard there was a bit of confusion around the swap though, so we thought we'd clarify a bit.

To take part in the swap, you do not need to be "dieting" but we do require that you join the group.

Once you're in, simply upload pictures of the items you want to swap.  This could be fabric, patterns, yarn, notions - anything pertinent that needs a new home. 

In order to make it easier for others to see that the item is up for grabs, make sure to write SWAP in the title.  That way everyone can see what's available from the group pool by hovering over the photos, rather than having to click through to the descriptions of lots of different photographs.

It's also helpful if you state in your description how you want to be contacted and whether or not you'd like to be paid for the shipping. 

Remember that in this group, a swap does not have to be an even trade - or a trade at all!  For instance, Morgan added a fabric I've been wanting, so I asked her for it.  She didn't take anything of mine.  However, the fabric below was one from my stash that I wanted to pass on, and Becky asked me for it.  She asked if I wanted anything of hers, but nothing was tempting me enough to increase my stash numbers, so I just sent it to her.

So in my case, my stash number has stayed the same:  I received one piece of fabric, but gave another away to a different person.

Morgan encouraged us to think of the swap as a big giveaway - you don't have to do an even trade, however, you may do so if you like.  For greater detail, refer to the complete set of rules on the swap discussion forum.

Once you've swapped an item, change the title to TAKEN, so members know it's no longer available.  We also decided that it would help the page stay more organized if the photo is removed completely from the pool once the item has shipped.

Finally, if you care to, you can post about the swaps you've made in the Swap discussion forum.  We thought it might be fun to see what is going where!


  1. Thanks for clarifying Gail. It takes a bit of time to understand the system, but I think it's going to work very well!

    1. Better descriptions are actually at Andrea's and Morgan's blogs today! I got too wordy again!

  2. Must sign up to the flickr group... First challenge will be this weekend: going 'fabric looking' to Goldhawk Road while on a stash diet. It's difficult...

    1. Ooooh, you're treading dangerous water! Stay strong!

  3. This sounds interesting, will rummage in my stash to see what I want to swap away


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