
Friday, April 26, 2013

In which I show you my sweater and skirt.

Yesterday after I finished taking pictures of my Shifty dress, I popped on my new sweater and the skirt I made last month to go with it, so you can see how they look on a body.  Well, my body.  First up, here's the whole ensemble:

I liked that picture better than this one, but in this one you can see there's no under-arm poofiness going on with my sleeves - they turned out just the way I wanted them to.  Finally.

Believe it or not, this was the first time I put on the skirt since it's been finished.  I'm actually not crazy about the way it fits, and it certainly could have used a pass with the iron - it's been hanging in my closet for a month.  My weight has been fluctuating lately; I'm a little *poofy* at the moment, and I don't think this is the best style for a poofy tummy. 

Another thing which I found very interesting was the following:  I didn't take in my right side seam for my less-full right hip, because I thought the fullness of this skirt would camouflage it.  It does not.  And here's the really interesting bit:  I've noticed that when I don't do this adjustment, the clothing hangs in such a way to make my right hip actually look bigger than the left one!  Isn't perception weird?

Anyhoo  . . .  here are some close-ups of the lace, since you can't really see it in the above pictures:

I cropped out my veiny old lady hands.  You're welcome.

And one more, just because the first one wasn't centered.  I had a really hard time figuring out where to stand with the camera set on zoom!

I'm very happy with the fit of the sweater - it's just how I wanted.   Because my bust measures at 33", I always have to ponder a little before deciding whether to use the instructions for the 32" or 34" bust.  This time I chose the 32" because I wanted a slightly closer fit.  I don't always make the right choice, but this time I did!


  1. They're beautiful Gail, you're beautiful!
    Have the best weekend.

    1. Aww, thank you Tracey! You're such a sweetheart!

  2. it's funny how pictures either hide or exaggerate fit issues, but whatever your concerns about hip unevenness i can not tell one bit. and unless you're standing completely still in a glass box being scrutinized, i'm guessing no one else can either!

    the print on the skirt is so adorable--fun and yet neutral somehow. i do say you should loose an inch or two on the hem... show some leg! i am super in love with the sweater, and yay for no underarm poof!

    1. I agree! Everything looks different in 2D! I didn't do a good job of getting a picture of the hip I was talking about because I was in a rush, but you're right - I'm very rarely standing completely still! I'll probably wear it a few times to see if it bothers me enough to fix it.

      I decided to keep the hem longer than usual because the pattern is from 1962 and I was feeling like being a little authentic :-)

  3. These look great together Gail. I can't tell there's an issue with the skirt, and you definitely made the right choice with the sizing of your sweater. I often struggle with choosing which size to knit, and don't always make the right choice.

    1. Thanks, Sam! I don't always make the right choice either, that's why I'm so happy I did this time! I was working on Kim Hargreaves' Still and knit the whole back in the 32" size, then decided it would be too small and had to rip it all out and start over.

  4. Oh, I didn't realize you didn't like the fit on that skirt. I thought it was going to become a favourite. The sweater surely rocks!

    1. It might, after I drop a couple lbs. ;-) The truth is, I'm not happy with the way ANYTHING is fitting me at the moment, so I'm probably being a little harsh on this skirt.

  5. Terrific outfit! And, if you can wear that outside right now, I'm seriously jealous. We're still in freakin' coats?!

    1. Today I could wear it outside with a light coat! (But I didn't.) And I hear you: even my aunt who lives in the Austrian Alps is having warmer weather than we are!!

  6. Gosh, this is the greatest sweater! It looks good with the skirt too :)

  7. I have always wondered that, to choose the smaller or bigger size as my bust measurement always comes in-between.
    The cropped cardi is super cute just like you.

    1. Evie at Pendle Stitches has been doing a review of the Craftsy class "Knit to Flatter" - all about getting the right fit.

      I'm really considering enrolling!

  8. That cardi is really really lovely. Great ensemble.

  9. I think this is a great outfit. I've been feeling poofy myself lately (although you certainly don't look it). I'm blaming it on the long winter we've had! Your sweater is gorgeous - I really need to learn how to knit.

    1. I'm blaming it on winter too. And fig bars ;-)

      You should learn to knit! It's just as fun as sewing, but more portable!

  10. I love this whole outfit! And nothing looks amiss in the skirt to me. Ah, Poofiness - I shake my fist at you!

  11. Both pieces are adorable, and they look great together! I can't see the hip issue at all in these pics. And you look fabulous sweetie. :)

  12. You are funny - I can't see either hip or 'veiny hands'! I do see a very nice skirt and jumper though and you definitely picked the right size to knit :)

    1. Hehehe - I've had "Old Lady Hands" since I was a teenager! Of course, the camera makes them look worse than they really are.

      Thank you!

  13. I love the sweater, and I love the two of them together.

  14. Ooh lovely knitting!
    And you really must wear that skirt - it's fab!
    I am sure you are the only person who notices any poofiness... you've got lovely slim ankles, that's all I can see from here!

    1. Thanks, Roo! Yes, I will wear it, especially now that you've complimented my ankles, LOL!

  15. Your sweater is wonderful and the whole ensemble looks great on you!

  16. What a lovely outfit! The sweater is stunning on you!

  17. they both look great! on congratulations on the sleeve adjustment, it's perfect. What is it in the fit of the skirt that you don't like?

    1. Thank you, Sophie! It's not really the skirt per se - I'm not liking how anything fits me at the moment to tell the truth, because I've put on some weight! It's just easier to blame the skirt ;-)

  18. CUTE! Not too matchy, but just matching enough with those little mushrooms. What a perfect outfit! Now I want a little short sleeved cardi! STOP GAIL. Just stop.


    1. Thank you! Short sleeved cardis are great - the sleeves take so much less time. Unless you have to do them three times, of course!

  19. I LOVE this outfit. Pretty without being twee and it fits like a dream. Gorgeous.

  20. Cute! And elegant! I love seeing your outfits :)

  21. I love this combo! The sweater is perfect and very flattering. And I'll challenge you to an old lady hand throw down any day! I'm sure I would win! ;)


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