
Friday, March 1, 2013

The fine line between success and failure.

The other day I was in the mood to sew up something quick, after all those weeks spent on the coat.  I had some mid-brown cotton/lycra jersey I'd bought a few months ago to make New Look 6071, so I decided to get that out.

Now, I've made this dress twice before, and while I wasn't 100% happy with either of those makes, they weren't failures either.  I wish I'd taken the time though to read through my previous post, because the very first thing I did was to cut the body out without adding on the extra 2" in length that I did last time.  Of course, I hadn't bothered to alter my pattern last time, thinking that I'd remember.  Heh.

What I didn't like about the first two dresses is that they were both made from very thin, drapey jersey.  I thought I'd fix that by buying this heavier, more stable jersey.  I fixed it a little too well.  So, in addition to being too short, the dress also doesn't have enough drape - and the bindings around the armhole are really too thick.  Somewhere out there is a fabric that's a happy medium, but I'm not sure I have the fortitude to go out and find it.  I may have to break up with this pattern.

And how do you like it with that sweater?  I think they go well together.  But I bought this fabric specifically to go with another sweater I can't figure out how to wear - and of course, the color is all wrong.  Sigh.  Computer monitor, why you got to do me like that?

I made this dress in anticipation of going out with some friends for kebab this weekend - I was thinking of it as a more feminine version of stretchy pants.  But I have to wear a super heavy-duty girdle with this one, so I think I'm going to have to find a plan B.

What do you guys think of New Look patterns?  This is the only one I've used (and I only own one other, which I'm now afraid to use).  I was a little incensed because the instructions contained a glaring mistake that should have been caught by a tech editor, and which made the construction much more confusing than it needed to be.


  1. Perhaps you could take off the binding and redo them with thinner jersey? It does look really good with that cardigan.

    I like New Look patterns, yes I've had to alter a few recent ones but I really like their designs. Here's my NL pattern stash on flickr.

    1. Meh. I just don't care enough! I won't be likely to wear it without a cardi or jacket anyway, so it's not a huge deal.

      You have a lot of New look patterns! Glad to know you can vouch for them. It must be me! I admit I made some poor fabric choices with this dress!

  2. It looks very nice in the pictures, and that sweater and belt go great with it.

    I have a few New Look patterns and, mostly, I like them. 6598 is a blouse pattern that I keep making over and over again. I've only made the version with the collar twice though because it makes me say bad words.

    1. Thanks, Lynn. I guess I shouldn't be too quick to judge the New Look patterns, as a few folks are chiming in to say they like them!

  3. This is the only NL pattern I own and I quite liked how it turned out for me. I agree with the above two commenters: it does look very good on you! It doesn't look too short and paired with that sweater it makes for a great outfit.

    1. I quite like how it turned out for you too! I wanted it to turn out that way for me, LOL!

      I get self-conscious if my knees are showing, because they turn in. That's really the reason I prefer my skirts a little longer!

  4. I know what those suboptimal final fit things are like - I'm wearing one right now! I do think it looks great with the cardi.

    1. I am glad of that - this is another cardi that I just didn't have much to wear with, so maybe now it will get more action.

  5. I've tried a couple of New Look patterns and seem to get on OK with them.

    This dress does look good on you, and as others have said, makes a great outfit with the cardi.

    1. Thanks, Sam. One good thing about not being crazy for the dress is that I can wear it without worrying I'm going to ruin it!

  6. It's too bad the dress didn't turn out just right. It does look good in photos! I like it with the cardigan too.

  7. so hard to find the right weight of knit. so, so hard!!! i'm finding that a cotton lycra blend has decent drape and just enough heft without being bulky. the dress looks great with the cardigan, i love those colors together! and re: new look patterns... haven't had any more or less issues than any of the other big 4. however, i've never been impressed by any of the big 4 patterns for knits. they treat them too much like patterns for wovens.

    1. Interesting! I learn so much from you, Lisa! This one is a cotton/lycra, but it ended up being a little stiff for this design, I think. I saw some looooovely bamboo knit at my local fabric shop, but I couldn't bring myself to spend $15 a yard. Maybe I need to reconsider! Buying online seems to be especially tricky for knits.

  8. I can definitely see why it would be difficult to find the right kind of fabric for that pattern. The detail on the front looks prone to problems if the fabric doesn't work with it right. The color really suits you though! Also, I love the sweater, especially paired with that belt, so cute!

    1. Thank you! Brown can seem kind of unexciting sometimes, but I really like it, especially mixed with brighter colors like this. The belt is actually part of the sweater!

  9. Oh, I'm so guilty of that.. repeating my mistakes. I adore the dress in the first photo with the cardi and belt. It looks so unusual and classy.

    1. I still haven't quite figured out knits, LOL! I did end up wearing the dress/cardi out for lunch yesterday, and Hubby really liked it - I think because of the deep V-neck!

  10. I think that since I've made something before, I'll certainly remember my mods, right? No! I still haven't learned my lesson and rarely write down notes, if I do, I won't read them!! Why not?? Well, love it with the sweater and no way can I wear tight spanx and enjoy an evening out that includes food. Darn!

    1. It's funny - I take copious notes on my knits and I do keep refer back to them, as I often make a pattern more than once. But with sewing? Nah! I need to change my ways!

  11. Oh, I do the same thing - alter a pattern piece and then forget to write down the changes I made. I do thin, this dress looks very nice on you, though!

    And I've made one New Look pattern before (which is odd, because I have quite a few more in the stash). Suffice it to say, it did not turn out how I was expecting it to, or how it looked on the illustration - the fit was all wrong, and some of the pieces didn't quite match. Anyways, I ended up giving that dress away and haven't sewn a New Look since, although I do like the vintage vibe of some of their patterns.

    1. I am trying to mend my ways - I've started a little notebook where I keep my notes for each sewing project. Still not 100% keeping track, but I'm getting better!

  12. I love the first pic, how you're wearing the sweater kimono like. I am not a fan of jersey for my body. I had tried these maxi skirts on sale at Nordie's and boy did they show too much of the lumps and bumps.

    1. Oh yeah - the jersey definitely requires shapewear!


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