
Monday, February 11, 2013

Those socks.

I had a very crafty weekend.  (Smiley face!)

I did a little work on making a pattern for Hubby's shirt.  I did a lot of work on my coat!  I did a fair amount of work on my Lauren sweater - I may even be able to finish it this week!  And I worked on those socks.

It doesn't bode well when your favorite part of a knitting project is how well it goes with the little project bag you made:

It holds a surprising amount of stuff!

I'm not having a fun time of it with these socks.  Here's the source of my discontent:

Fortissima Socka.  Blech!  This is probably the worst sock yarn I've ever worked with.  It's scratchy and very splitty.  Its only saving grace is that it's hot pink.

I bought this yarn* almost two years ago, when my mom was visiting; I bought it specifically to make this pattern.  Kai-Mei is from Cookie A's Sock Innovation book, and this pattern is really the reason I got the book (from my mom for my birthday that year - thanks, Mom!)  It's been in my mind since then to start the socks, but I never quite felt like I had the mental fortitude - it seemed like a very "thinky" pattern, and I'm not always a fan of thinking.  It interferes with my TV watching.

But a couple weeks ago, I really needed a break from all the brown of the Lauren and didn't want to allow myself to start a new sweater.  So I got this out instead.  And you know:  it's really quite an easy pattern!  All that procrastinating for nothing! 

It starts out with 6.5 inches of 3x3 rib, so you get a little mental vacation before easing into the interesting part of the design, which shoots off the gusset of one side. 

The stitch pattern itself is only 8 rows; very easily memorized and quite fun to work.   When seen from the point of view of the wearer, it almost looks like a row of little hearts:

I really hate it that this yarn makes my tension look so horrible.   I hope it evens up in the wash.

I've got a fair few mistakes in the foot portion of the sock (see:  watching TV) which I haven't bothered to fix just because it's so difficult to unpick this splitty yarn.  And anyway:  it's a sock.  There's little chance anyone will be inspecting my feet that closely.

I'm going to make myself finish these, even though working on them frustrates the heck out of me.  The pattern itself is lovely; maybe some day I'll make it again in a nicer yarn.

*An unsolicited insight into my psyche:  Every. Single. Time. I type the word "yarn," I first type "yearn" and then have to go back to correct it.  Hmmmm.


  1. Ooh, love the hot pink of that sock, and I so admire your weekend sewing productivity.

    I think I may yearn for yarn, as well. ;)

  2. What a lovely crafty weekend you had. The socks are looking lovely, that stitch pattern is very cute.

  3. Aww man, I'm sorry that this isn't very nice yarn, cause the color is GREAT! And it does look amazing with that project bag. :)

  4. Surely it will look better once you block them! Have faith, oh guru.

  5. Blech is right -- splitty, scratchy yarn is unacceptable especially when there are sooo many other wonderful yarns to knit with. Still, the color is gorgeous and you're right to push ahead and finish this pair. Perhaps with soaking and blocking, you'll grow to love these socks!

  6. Hmmm, indeed. Sorry the yearn/yarn is giving you so much trouble. Those look awesome though!

  7. I do love the colour of the yarn but it sounds horrendous. I think your stitches look lovely and they will only get better after blocking. Even crap yarn looks better after blocking :-)

  8. I think everyone needs a pair of hot pink socks! Have hope that it will de-itchify once it gets a good soak, that usually does the trick. I think your tension will shape up too. Good luck, they are beautiful!

    1. I normally machine wash and dry my socks, but I may just try giving these guys a soak with some hair conditioner.

  9. Love the socks! I have that book, but have been beyond lazy in my knitting. I've handled that yarn in my LYS and put it back down.

    1. I don't remember being turned off when we were buying it, but 2 years later I must be even more spoiled!

  10. Sounds like a super productiv weekend. Love the colour of that yarn - too bad it's so yucky to work with!

  11. Maybe it will wash up softer and more lovely :) Fingers crossed. i've got that book - I've only knit one pair of socks from it so far - for my sister. Best I get some more, for me this time :)

    1. When I got the book, this was the only pattern I was interested in. But I looked through it the other day, and now I like many more of them!

  12. Oh dear! I love that pattern, but I no longer have the patience for cheap and nasty sock yarn. (Cheap and snuggley is fine!) You need to treat yourself to something better next time! Hazel Knits Artisan sock is a pretty good combination of soft and strong and comes in lovely colours. (I promise you I am not a robot!)

    1. But it wasn't cheap! (Well, it wasn't inexpensive - turns out it was cheap!) I just got suckered by the color. And I thought it was a famous brand. But maybe it's infamous instead, LOL!

  13. Ack! I have a skein of this yarn but in a typical manly color.
    This hot pink is fun and so you. I have her book too and haven't made a dent in it. And LOL, I'm using your handmade project bag that I had won at Evelyn's for my sock project!
    I think this needs a good blocking like my sock. The detailing is so cool. Cookie A rocks.

    1. Oh, I'm so glad to know that bag is getting used!


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