
Friday, January 25, 2013

More Burda

Last week I teased you with some Burda patterns and showed the vintage reproduction ones I bought.  I also bought two "modern" patterns which I'm super excited about.

First up is Burda 7063.  I fell in love with this pattern the minute I saw it, both the blouse version and the dress.  It looks to be quite a simple pattern too.  I'm planning on starting out with a "wearable muslin" of the blouse in an Amy Butler voile I've had in my stash for about a year:

I bought the fabric just because I liked it, but then could never figure out a pattern to use with it.  I think this one will work well - there's gathering at the bust that adds some interest.

I may also do a version in this leftover umbrella fabric that's been in my stash for probably a year and a half:

Once I know what I'm dealing with fit-wise, I'm planning on making the dress version in a lovely Anna Sui silk I bought a year and a half ago - again, just because I loved it.  I've been waiting for the right pattern to come along, and I think this is it!

All these photos show the pattern with the fabric because yesterday I did a project:  I took out all my stash fabric and photographed it, then made it into a spreadsheet so I can easily know what I have.  For the fabrics for which I have a pattern in mind, I photographed the pattern along with it.  So now I have a pictorial to-do sewing list in my iPhoto!

In the interest of keeping the length of this post manageable, I'll show you the other new pattern tomorrow.  What a tease!


  1. That's such a cute pattern, and that silk looks faaaaabulous....looking forward to seeing it made up! :-)

    1. I wish there were feel-o-vision! It's quite luscious. I was thinking of underlining the dress, but I want as much of that silk next to my skin as possible! And it's pretty opaque, thank goodness!

  2. Clever technical person you! I love the shirt dress look - can't wait to see that version. And your wearable Amy Butler is fabulous fabric. Love it :)

    1. I think it's the prettiest shirtdress I've seen in a while! Maybe I should follow your lead and create a whole outfit!

  3. I pictorial to - do list in a spreadsheet? That is cool! The dress in the Anna Sui is going to be great.

    1. I might get there, but so far the spreadsheet is just the stash, and the to-do list is just an album of photos in iPhoto. I'm trying to figure out a way to link them to the blog without having to reload it all, but I haven't taken the time to look into it yet.

  4. Organizing that way must have taken a lot of time, but I'll bet it is well worth it! I love the dress (although the blouse is super cute too!) and the fabric sounds wonderful to wear

    1. Totally worth it! And it only took me a couple hours, because thankfully my stash isn't that big.

  5. That is super organization there! You should create a sewing version of Ravelry! Your fabric is so neat.

    1. I do love a spreadsheet! I wish there were a sewing version of Ravelry - so do most sewers I know!

  6. As soon as I saw the patterns I knew they would look perfect on you, just your style and great fabrics!
    Have a wonderful weekend Gail and I look forward to seeing your new items.

  7. Ooh, I love all of these fabrics! Really looking forward to seeing these come to life!

  8. Cute pattern! I particularly like the dress version!

    1. Just traced out my pattern today! I might get to this sometime this week!

  9. hello, I was just wondering if you would be able to help me with this pattern, i'm trying to sew it myself and I really don't have a clue what I'm supposed to be doing with the button bands...

    Thanks ever so


    1. Hi Nadia:

      I haven't made the dress yet! I got as far as cutting out my muslin fabric, and then got distracted with other projects :-)

      I took a look at the instructions though, and it looks as if the buttonhole bands are applied somewhat like you'd apply double fold bias tape. Great photo tutorial here:

      Hope that helps!


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