
Monday, January 14, 2013

Knitwear Extravaganza

Today I had a coffee date with Alicia, and before I left I managed to finish my Aura scarf.  Good thing, because when I stepped outside this morning it was only 20 degrees (F)!  A great excuse to pile on the handknits.

I started out with my Northern Lights dress.  I don't get many opportunities to wear this, so I was actually kind of glad it was a cold day.    All the while I was knitting my scarf, I kept thinking how good it would look with this dress, and I was right:

Then I reached for my orange thrummed earflap hat:

I made this about three years ago, and I always wear it when it gets very cold.  It really does do the trick!  I mostly wear it like this, to keep my ears nice and toasty:

The pattern is from Cocoknits:  the Fleeced Earflap Hat.  It was a blast to knit.  The fleece is merino sliver, broken down into bits and inserted between knit stitches.  After it's all knit, you "felt" the fleece with a hairbrush.  So fun - definitely a recommended pattern!

OK:  teal dress; check.  Neon green scarf:  check.  Orange hat:  check.  What else does this outfit need?  Hot pink puffer coat!

Yep.  I actually go around Chicago looking like this. 


  1. You look cosy! I could have done with an outfit like that here today. When I went out this morning it was -1 centigrade and snowing!

    Love your scarf - another Kim Hargreaves design I see - and your dress. That dress has been in my Ravelry queue for ages!

    1. Oh, I should have said that the dress pattern is highly recommended too! I had a blast making it last year - such an interesting construction!

  2. You have 'checked-off' a great outfit - it all teams up together brilliantly, showing your fun style! Just love it all...J

  3. Wow! You really need to pile on the knits when it's 20 degrees! Ouch! That dress is just so killer-- I'm glad it's getting some wear!

    1. Funny thing is, I was hot in the coffee shop!

      Do you ever get to wear your Still Light dress?

  4. You look so-o-o cool! The new scarf is very beautiful, great color and perfect combo with that gorgeous dress.

  5. love it! that orange hat is killer!

  6. Seems pretty darn sensible !


  7. OMG I want your hat! I certainly don't need it here but it would be awesome in Toronto next winter. And your coat is the bomb - I wear a similar puffy coat in the same length but mine is black - hot pink is so much better. Actually, your whole outfit rocks!

    1. You should try it! It was so fun to knit!

      Aside from preferring bright colors to black, my rationale in buying this coat was the hope that the crazy taxi (and other Chicago) drivers would be able to see me better, and thus not run me over!

  8. LOL, love the hat and that scarf is too cute!

    I'm always impressed with your knitting and that you knit dresses. Unfortunately, the only knitting I know how to do is on a loom. :-/

  9. That is cold! It has been a toasty 60 degrees F here the last few weeks. I'll bet that is the warmest outfit ever! The hat is awesome in such a jaunty orange, I want one too!

    1. Oooh, I'm jealous of your warmer temperatures!

  10. You look both wonderful and toasty warm! What a great combination of hand knits :) I'm very intrigued but the construction of the hat, I totally need that for when I'm cycling..

  11. Wow! You could come here with that much woolly goodness to wear! LOVE the hat - I might have to try that technique!

    1. Do - it's so fun! And it would be VERY useful for you!

  12. Ooh it's all fabulous! Love all the color, any time of year, but it's especially nice to brighten up the winter. :) That hat is toooo cute. I'd totally make it if I thought I'd EVER be able to wear it here comfortably!

    1. I feel sad for you who live in the warmer climes. (Not really!)

  13. Lucky Chicago :)
    Love it - I want your dress - all finished like that! I love the still light tunic - it's been on my list for AGES.

    1. I love the dress too. I may make another some day - you have no idea how long it took me to settle on a color! I think I need a charcoal grey one too . . .

  14. I love this outfit!! And the hat is too cool!

    1. Thanks, Jo! Hubby decided he needs one of these hats too! So I get to make another - yay!

  15. What a cute and chic outfit! The scarf looks smooshy. Love, love the hat.


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