
Monday, September 24, 2012

My Friend Evelyn

Still on the subject of friends made via the internet . . . Last week my friend Evelyn emailed me asking if I'd do a little knitting project together with her.  She sent me the link for the newly-released BFF Cowl, designed by Ysolda and Tiny Owl Knits.  What a cute idea!  Interlocking cowls, knit in pairs and exchanged with a friend - a knitterly take on the friendship necklaces I'm sure we all had as kids.

Well, how could I refuse?  We tossed some color ideas back and forth, and then I took myself off to the LYS in search of some yarn to use.  I ended up finding a yarn Evelyn had recently used and loved - perfect!  Even more perfect was that it was in the sale bin!  I took it as a sign.

We agreed to cast on Sunday and each do a blog post today.  As I was just finishing my cast-on yesterday, a message from Evelyn popped up - she had just started her cowl too!  So funny!  And it turned out that she chose to start with Ysolda's cowl, while I had chosen to start with Stephanie's cowl!  So we've got two different yet coordinating WIPs to show you today.  Here's mine:

This is Cascade Yarns' Cloud, in the colorway Lupin.  Cloud is a very apt name for this yarn - it's a soft, squishy chainette.  Now that I've got it in my hands, I can see why Evelyn raved about it so much!  You can see Evelyn's cowl on her blog post today - the seedpod stitch is so beautiful.

If you'd like to join the fun with a friend, Evelyn has started a BFF Cowl KAL page in her Project Stash KAL Group.  I really love the idea of having a little piece of a friend's knitting to help keep warm over the winter!


  1. How beautiful! And what a great idea! Love this! Tiny Owl Knits and Ysolda are two of my favorite designers-- what a happy coincidence!

    1. Apparently this pattern is getting a lot of buzz. I hadn't seen it until Evelyn sent me the link, but the ladies at the yarn shop said, "Oh yeah - it's the most popular pattern on Ravelry right now!"

  2. Wheee, your cocoon stitch is gorgeous (it's one of my favorite knitting motifs), and I'm completely stoked about doing this project with you! Remember what you once said to me about Rowan Calmer? Well, Cascade Cloud isn't too far behind!

  3. It is looking so beautiful, the stitch definition for that yarn is amazing. This is such a fun idea, I'm surprised it wasn't thought up sooner. I'll be joining you two with my awesome blogging friend Ashley, we just have to decide on colors.

    1. I saw that on the forum! So cool! Can't wait to see what you guys pick!

  4. I've the picture of this all over Ravelry----what fun having a new internet/blogging buddy to team up with. Great idea!!! Love the color, too.

    1. It's interesting, because there aren't actually that many people making it at the moment! People must be favoriting it?

  5. Gorgeopus colour and stitch pattern - this is such a lovely project to knit with a friend!

  6. This sounds like such a fun project! Your portion is looking good.


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