
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Better Late than Never!

Remember back in June when Alicia and I went to Vogue and ended up each getting a remnant of the same border print?  We promised a co-blog project, each of us making a different project with our fabric.  We've both finally finished, and yesterday we had a nice outing to a yarn shop and then lunch, and we both wore our new garments.  Niecey-poo was kind enough to snap a couple of pictures for us.

We were laughing because we'd had a couple of funny outtakes before we got this picture!

I love Alicia's skirt so much, and I'm not the only one - when we were in the yarn shop, a girl actually came up to her and asked her how she made it!  So flattering.

I ended up making the Lisette Portfolio top, and I must say, I'm kind of in love with it!  Much more than I was expecting to be.  I had hoped to make the tunic length, but the fabric wasn't wide enough to make the print work, so I had to go with the top.  I was worried that it would be too cropped, but with a narrow hem, I think it came out just right.  I wore it with my red Clover pants, but I also like it with jeans.

I made this over 2 days right before Niecey-poo came, and took a bunch of great in-progress shots.  But somehow, they all got lost in the demise of my old computer.  I tried to take a few shots of the blouse itself yesterday morning, but it was very cloudy so they're not great.



I spent a long time on this top, and was very careful with all my details.  Consequently, I think it's one of the best things I've ever made.  I finished all the seams except the center back by serging both layers together.  But I'm most proud of my stitch-in-the-ditch around the neck.  That's a technique I find really difficult, so I did it very slowly, sometimes even hand-cranking at the curves, and got a result I'm very pleased with.  I decided to go with a machine-stitched hem because my thread was a good match, and I didn't think it would detract from the overall look.

finished seam and hem

front inset

This fabric was so nice to work with.  It's very lightweight - I'd call it a lawn.  The label just said cotton, but Alicia thinks there might be a little silk in it, and I agree with her.  It has a very nice drape that's almost floaty, and it doesn't press as crisply as a cotton would.  I love it so much, when I found three more remnants of it at another location of Vogue, I bought them!

For details on Alicia's skirt, head on over to Iron-On Maiden!


  1. I love how you each used your fabric.
    The fabric itself is beautiful.

    Oh, the pic. It's going to be one of those that bring a flood of memories each time you come across it.

    Life's wonderful, Gail.

    Congrats to the both of you on your fabric adventure.


  2. And your blouse looks even better in person! The pics don't do it justice.

    1. I know - they're really crap. I didn't have the heart (or the light) to try to make them as good as the ones that got lost :-(

  3. Wow - it really is lovely. Beautiful fabric and both of you have used it so well. Excellent construction, btw.

    1. Thank you, Kristin! That's quite a compliment, coming from you, because I know you're quite a stickler! (That's a compliment too, BTW!)

  4. This is such an adorable idea! Both of you ended up with such beautiful garments too! Also, the print couldn't be more perfect and the finished product fits you perfectly. Definitely another wonderful success!

  5. I love both of these! They're really, really pretty! This isn't a color that I'm usually drawn to, but it looks so nice paired with the red in both outfits!

    1. I thought it was funny when Alicia showed up with a red t-shirt with her skirt, because all along she'd been saying she wanted to pair it with aqua to go with the small flowers!

  6. You didn't even mention the cutest detail! Your cute little buttons at the back of the neck! What a lovely top :)

    1. Hehehe - and they kept on coming unbuttoned all day! I had to sew them up a little that evening!

  7. You are so stinking cute I can hardly stand it! I've been away from my computer for a while, and I'm enjoying trolling through your posts.


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