
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Allegheny Test

I spent about a half hour yesterday working on my Allegheny dress.  I needed a little down time - I'd pretty much spent the previous two days cleaning the house top to bottom, because the rest of Niecey-poo's family is joining us today!

Anyway, it occurred to me that maybe I should try the thing on, now that I've started on the skirt portion.

Don'tcha just love bathroom mirror shots?  No matter how clean you think you've gotten it, some spots always show up!  (upper right!)

Anyhow, I'm mostly happy with the fit so far.  I did add a little length to the torso (about a half inch) before the ribbing at the waist, and I wish I'd added even more, but it's not too bad.  The bulge just under the turtleneck bothers me a little, but I'm hoping that won't show as much once I've got a big scarf wound around my neck inside the collar, as in the pattern photo.  And I will need to do that for more than just style - this wool is definitely not "neck soft."  And I happen to be a delicate flower.

I'll likely do a few extra increases at the skirt side seams, to take the bottom measurement up a size.  And I'll definitely be lengthening it quite a bit - I'm thinking 2 - 3" above the knee will be just right.  I haven't decided yet on how long to make the sleeves (although I'm leaning toward three quarters) and whether to do ribbing or a folded hem at the bottom.  I've seen so many lovely versions with all these variations, it makes it really hard to choose!

Posting is likely to become sporadic starting tomorrow, as I'll have a house full of people for the next two weeks - people who have never been to Chicago!  So much to do and see!  Niecey-poo and I made a chart of activities the other day; I love it that she shares my love of organization!


  1. Looks great so far - the color is gorgeous and the cable is so beautiful!

  2. Sounds like you have an even more wonderful weekend coming up, so exciting! Allegheny is looking fantastic (perfect fit!) and the length you described would look much better and it will be more flowy too! Sorry to hear about the itchiness, that would bother me too.

    1. Yes - the recommended 18" from the waist sounds scandalously short to me, and I'm only 5'4"! Of course, I'm old, so that could be why!

  3. Yes, you tipped me OVER THE EDGE! I'm definitely going to cast this baby on in the coming weeks. I also love the color that you're knitting your dress in -- looks great on you. I would argue that this design would look great simply as a pullover turtleneck sweater!

    1. Yay! It would be a great pullover too, but I'm very partial to dresses :-)

  4. This is gorgeous. It's going to look fantastic when it's done. And I can't believe the family has not been to Chicago to see you. Did you recently move there (in the scheme of things)? Or do you always go to visit them in Turkey?

    1. My brother-in-law has his own business, so he never takes vacations! He did visit us once, back in 1995, but none of us were married then! We do go see the whole family every year in Turkey for a few weeks though.

  5. Love the color! the stitch definition !
    You've made terrific headway considering this has been a busy month or so.
    Evelyn's mention that it'd be a wonderful pullover is a great option, Gail. Perhaps, next time?

    1. No, NEXT time is the Exeter cardigan! I can't wait to cast it on, but I'm making myself finish this one first!

  6. this is so lovely, as usual! nice work! enjoy your family time!

  7. Yum! And ... agreed about the scarf. Can't image wearing Northampton anywhere near my neck.

    1. Have you tried the sport weight yet? Is it any softer?

  8. Looking good! Enjoy the family time :)

  9. This is already looking gorgeous. I've never done an adult-sized dress, but this pattern really appeals to me.

    Good luck with all the visitors and have fun!

    1. I think this dress would look fantastic on you! You should join Evelyn and me and make one!

  10. Looking great! This will be so cozy and warm!!

  11. Such a great cable! The fit is spot-on. I am also a delicate flower (ha ha!) when it comes to wool. I doesn't stop me though. :) Some things are work the sacrifice.


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