
Monday, July 2, 2012


Somehow I ended up with a cold, so I'm laying low today.  But I did have enough energy to do a little stamping on my nails:

I've been wanting to try out this stamp for a long time - not really sure why I haven't used it before.  I really like it!  I just picked up two of the colors from Essie's new Mirror Metallics collection (Penny Talk and Nothing Else Metals, a lilac chrome), and like most chrome finish polishes, they're great for stamping.

Against this red-violet, Penny Talk isn't showing up as copper as it really is, but I do like this combination.

You guys will probably be seeing a lot more stamping around here soon.  In a couple weeks, my niece will be arriving to spend the summer with us again!  Since I'm not likely to get a whole lot of sewing or knitting done during that time, I think stamping will be my art form of choice!


  1. Oh so sorry to hear about your sickliness, summer colds are the absolute worst! At least your nails look amazing!

    1. I'll live, LOL! I'm really just using it as an excuse to knit all day ;-)

  2. i am so in love with the nails. that looks amazing! is it hard to do? i spend way too much of my time washing dishes so my nails are usually sadly neglected...

    1. No, it's super easy! I put my Page about Nail Stamping back up top, for newer readers who weren't around for my earlier nail shenanigans ;-) I also spend a lot of time cleaning/washing dishes (the lot of us housewives!) but my little treat to myself is to do my nails in the evening. Usually only looks good for a day though!

    2. awesome, i'll check out the links! suppose i could have just googled it myself... hope you get to feeling better soon!

  3. Oooh, I really like that stamp too!

    I hope you feel better soon.

  4. Stamping's just fine with me.

  5. Ouch ... I hate summer colds! Drink lots of fluids and get your rest. I know you have a busy month coming up. xo

  6. Feel better soon, Gail! Fluids are key. A little vitamin c and echinacea doesn't hurt either.

    I'm glad to see another one of your stamping manis. You always do such a great job!

    1. Or . . . I only show the ones I do a good job on!

  7. Oh no! Get well soon!

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you! Could you please pass a tissue?


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