
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Yesterday . . .

I spent another lovely day with Andrea and Mr. Stitch.  We started out at "The Bean," where Mr. Stitch took a few pictures of us.  Here we are, two ladies in their hand-made tops:

Andrea is wearing a Sorbetto she made with Nani Iro double gauze.  It's so soft and pretty!  I'm wearing my second Butterick blouse - the wacky paisley one.  Since I never got around to taking modeled pictures of it after I made it, I got Mr. Stitch to take a few yesterday.  He was cracking me up:

I liked how it looked with the white skirt, and if I hadn't been doing a lot of walking, I would have worn the outfit with my orange and pink espadrilles.  Next time!  And here's the silly outtake shot:


I was trying to blow a kiss, but I really just look like a turtle making some kind of obscene Italian gesture!

After hanging around at the Bean, we headed over to the Art Institute, where we took a look at the new Roy Lichtenstein exhibit.  If you find yourself in Chicago in the next few months, I really recommend it!  We all liked it a lot.

After the museum, we grabbed some banh mi for lunch and then headed out to Oak Park to take a look at the Frank Lloyd Wright homes.  I got so caught up I didn't take any pictures, but here are some from a couple years ago:

We wrapped up the afternoon with coffee and cookies at a cute little dessert cafe in downtown Oak Park.  Perfect!

I had such a great time hanging out with Andrea and Mr. Stitch over the last few days.  They are truly warm, wonderful people.  Now they're on their way back to Toronto, and I'm sad to see them go, but confident that we'll see each other again.  I'm just blown away by their generosity, coming all the way to Chicago so we could finally meet.  Andrea also very generously gave me a fabulous gift.  Take a look:

A beautiful card which she made herself, a lovely pair of tiny snipping scissors, and 2 meters of Liberty Tana Lawn in Landis B!  She knows how much I drool over Liberty fabrics, and I had mentioned I'm fascinated by architecture - can you see the little buildings in the print?  So perfect!  I'm having a lot of fun daydreaming about what this gorgeous yardage should become.

For those of you who followed Andrea's blog and miss it as much as I do while she's on break, she did mention that she's planning to put up a few posts over the summer, so watch out for those!


  1. Oh yay, another fun day! I love that Liberty lawn-- it's absolutely gorgeous! I'm so glad to hear that Andrea will be back to posting soon!

    1. Me too - and she has some FOs to share as well!

  2. Hahahaha that comment about the turtle making obscene italian gestures cracked me up!! That's so cool how much fun you had :) And your top looks great :)

  3. I adore the bean! You both look wonderful in your handmade blouses - tres chic!


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