
Friday, June 1, 2012

Here we go again!

OK, the last of the vacation photos will have to wait until tomorrow, because today is a very special day.  Today is June 1, the date my friend Linda and I had set as the beginning of our second knit along.

Just over 2 years ago, Linda contacted me on Ravelry and asked if I'd like to be a knitting buddy with her for the purpose of finishing our Mary Tudor cardigans.  It took some convincing, but I finally agreed, and over a period of about six months we kept in touch and compared notes on our progress, helping to keep each other motivated.

She got in touch again about a month ago and asked if I'd be up for another go. Since I had all the yarn for Queen Anne's Lace, and only lacked the motivation, I said yes!  This was just before I went to Germany, so I told her that I'd be starting my project on June 1.  And here we are!

Last night I started getting my supplies ready.  Here's my yarn, which is mostly Alice Starmore Scottish Campion:

Would you like a closer look?  Here you go:

And here's the receipt from when I bought it:

Hmmm.  July 2001.  Do you think it's about time I knit up this sweater?!

I made a copy of my pattern:

And then made a legend of the symbols and colors of the yarns:

And here's the picture from the book of the sweater I'll be making:

Linda is going to be making Katherine of Aragon from the book Tudor Roses.

Today I just need to wind skeins of the four colors used in the ribbing, and then I can cast on for my second knitting adventure with Linda!


  1. That looks like a wonderful and wild adventure Gail. What an awesome looking sweater. Happy knitting and happy weekend.

  2. Wow! That's a complicated sweater! Good luck!!!

  3. I have yet to make a Starmore sweater though I have Tudor Roses that I got for a song at a thrift store. I love them though and I can't wait to see yours all knit up!

    1. You should try it out! They're great fun!

  4. Wow! That's not mindless knitting! I'm plodding along on my Miette. I'm hoping to finish this weekend. I have been searching for another project and I just can't make up my mind. I want something new by Wednesday of next week because 2 of my children will be at a music camp andill be there with them during the day...lots of time on my hands without the distractions that come with being at home (laundry, cleaning, organizing, etc.)

    I can't wait to see your sweater!

    1. I'll be looking out for what you choose!

  5. That's so much work! Good luck with the sweater, it's really beautiful.

  6. Girl, this sweater is awesome! ! !
    This is such a huge project, not certain how you can undertake such an immense piece of knitting.
    My mind is staggering, overwhelmed.
    However, you'll progress methodically and with ease. Working those floats with two-finger each. What sort of bobbins will you use or do you butterfly?
    The only thing I know for certain is that your colors are magnificent ! ! !
    Eagerly waiting posts re: this gorgeous "Katherine of Aragon"

    1. Part of the reason I wanted to do a more complicated (slower) project is that I'm starting to have severe storage problems!

    2. I have two drawer full of hand knit sox
      one drawer filled to the brim with hand knit shawls
      I know what you're talking about.

  7. Wow! What a project you have queued up! It makes me think of a book I read awhile back. Have you heard of Sweater Quest, My Year of Knitting Dangerously? The author is Adrienne Martini and she tells the story of knitting her "Mount Everest". She made the Mary Tudor. Maybe your library can find you a copy on inter-library loan? The book made me think of the movie Julie and Julia.


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