
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Hello again!

I've actually been back since Saturday night, but I set up posts through yesterday knowing I wouldn't have time until now for anything new.  And sure enough, I have a mountain of laundry to deal with that's almost as big as the Alps I've just returned from!  And a house that needs to get cleaned top to bottom in time to receive a house guest tomorrow.  When it rains, it pours!

My mom and I spent the last two weeks visiting her eldest sister in the southeast corner of Bavaria, just across the border from Salzburg, Austria.  The town where my aunt lives is called Freilassing; it's a very charming little place, so I though I'd share a few pictures with you.

This is my aunt's terrace:

And when you step out onto the terrace, this is what you see:

Obviously, I didn't get tired of this view!

Here are some snaps from nearby her house:

The tower in the background is the old firehouse.

Lots of pretty houses all around, most
with very lovely gardens.

I really love this type of signage.

The pedestrian main street in "downtown" Freilassing.

We had a really nice visit with my aunt.  We went to help her out with a couple things, but we managed to squeeze in some fun times too.  Our evenings were mostly spent drinking wine, playing cards and giggling - priceless!  

We also made a couple side trips, which I'm going to use as fodder for the next couple of posts!


  1. Welcome back !! What a beautiful terrace !! I can see why you love it so much. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your adventures xx

  2. Oh, how fun! I'm so glad you guys had a nice visit! Looking forward to seeing more pictures!

  3. So happy you're back! I've missed you (as you know). Lovely photos -- it's nice to know that your aunt has such a lovely view. ; )

  4. Such a wonderful get-away. Looks as though it could be a fairy tale visit.
    Family times are what memories are made of.
    hugs & welcome home

  5. Oh I'd love to travel through Europe. So glad you had a great time! :)

  6. Looks like a beautiful little town to be visiting family!


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