
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Conquering a mountain . . .

. . . of laundry!  You know how that goes, when you've been away for a week!

I wanted to thank everyone for the comments left while I was away.  While the washer and dryer are running, I'm slowly going through the last week of comments here and catching up on everyone else's blogs too.

And a couple other thoughts about comments.  First off, Karen suggested that I turn off word verification, and I do agree that it's a nuisance, although it generally doesn't stop me from leaving comments on other blogs.  But not knowing a whole lot about these matters, I'm a little worried about getting too much spam.  Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

The second thought about comments:  this is just a silly little confession, but it's been bugging me!  As you may know, I was an elementary school teacher for many years.  And if you've ever dealt with elementary-school-aged children, you know that they have a well-developed sense of justice:  everything has to be FAIR.  So, I always feel like if I reply to one comment, I have to reply to ALL the comments!  Isn't that silly?!  And sometimes I can't think of anything to say, or the comment doesn't really warrant a reply - but I feel bad nonetheless if I "skip" someone!  So I just want you all to know that I read all the comments, and love getting them.  But I'm going to try to let myself off the hook a little in terms of replying.  I generally do like to reply when I've got something to say, but I also feel like replying when I really don't have anything to say is a little . . . dorky.

New posts after I've caught up a little!


  1. It's laundry day for me too! And as for the word verification, I don't find I get too much spam. But it doesn't really bother me to type it in anyway. :)

  2. Thanks for that input, Erin Kate!

  3. Oh, Gail - I giggled out loud when I read your confession. Yes, let yourself off the hook! I don't think folks who comment on blogs ever doubt that they're being read (and appreciated). I love reading my list of knittery blogs and commenting as often as possible, but I never expect a reply. I like knowing that I'm adding to the conversation, so to speak, that the blogger is having in her posts.

    1. I know I'm a dork! I'm probably the only person in the blogosphere who worries about this stuff! So silly!

  4. I don't think you'll be flooded with spam, but if you start getting any, you can always turn it back on.

    You have to be obligated to reply to each comment, LOL! Remember, fair doesn't have to be equal!

    1. Hehehe - I probably won't be able to stop myself from doing it, LOL!

      Good point about turning it back on. I think I'll give it a try :-)

    2. Omigosh, that was supposed to read that you DON'T have to respond to respond to each comment! That hour of lost sleep must have affected me more than I thought!

    3. Hahahah! Too funny! I thought you were making a joke!

  5. Regarding comments, I try to comment on my favorite blogs. I think it is a way of saying thank you and I don't expect a reply back.

    I may consider turning off word verification and see if I get much spam, but having it doesn't stop me from commenting either.

    I hope you had a good time in San Diego. Are you going to post and tell us what you did? Being away a week is hardly a mini vacation, any time you get on a plane is a maxi vacation! How is Winnie going?

    1. Awwww shucks! I guess I'm a favorite then! Thanks!

      I agree with you that it's a way to say thank you, and I don't really expect a reply either. I've found that some bloggers do reply to comments (more or less frequently, depending on the person) and others never do. My brain knows I'm not obligated, but my heart won't let me stop!

      I wasn't thinking of boring everyone with my vacation pictures, but maybe I will after all, since you mentioned it! Not much knitting happened. So that means we were out and about and had a great time!

  6. Welcome back! Hope your vacation was lovely!

    I always feel like I need to respond to every comment, but then I end up repeating myself or sounding like a big dumb goof. :/

    1. Let's take a pledge not to do it! (Oops - just blew it!)

  7. If I have to make a choice, and often I do because of time constraints, I will visit commenters' blogs and leave comments there instead of reply to comments on my own blog. I do try to at least answer direct questions when asked in a comment.

    And yay! No word verification. :)

    1. hehehe! Glad to know it went through. I seem to have a lot of trouble with Blogger when I use Firefox, for some reason.


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