
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Loot! And gratitude!

Thanks again to everyone who left comments and suggestions on my skirt yesterday. I really do appreciate the input!

I spent most of yesterday working on a muslin for the Lisette Market Blouse (the short sleeved one).  After I cut out the fabric, I serged all the way around each piece.  Way fun!  I don't know if that's the approved way to do things, but I think it's pretty darn cool to have all the seams finished before I even start to sew the blouse! And while I had the serger going, I serged the hem of the skirt too.  So now I'll just have to do a little gathering and press it back, then sew it down.  Fingers crossed!

No more fraying!

muslin - I changed all my threads to white

So even though my birthday isn't until Sunday, I've managed to acquire some loot! Last Saturday, I received a package from my mom.  I was going to save it to open on my birthday, but I really needed a pick-me-up on Monday, so I tore in.  Look what she sent me:

Fitting and Pattern Alteration - it looks like this is going to be an invaluable resource.  I was really blown away.  My mom is the best (for a whole lot of reasons)! Thanks,  Mom!

Then yesterday while I was serging away, my mail lady rang my bell.  She had two treats for me.  First up was the giveaway I won last week from Melizza at Pincushion Treats - two goodies!  First off, an adorable pincushion that she made herself:

I love it that she roams around London (one of my favorite cities in the world!) looking for sweet little bits and bobs to make her pincushions.  I feel honored to own this treasure!  And as if this wasn't enough, she also included a belt buckle she picked up at Liberty of London!

I have big plans for this little buckle, which I'll elaborate on another time.  Thanks, Melizza!

The other treat I got in the mail yesterday was a handmade card and some goodies from my lovely friend Andrea at Stitch Parade:

If you read Andrea's blog, then you know she made her own undies after taking a class a few weeks ago.  She sent me some of the very same stretch lace she used!

the loopy black one

and yellow - my favorite color!

So now of course, I'm going to have to try my hand at making undies too!  Thanks again, Andrea - I'm so touched by your gift!

A little later in the afternoon, I was taking the garbage out and I heard the UPS truck.  The rest of my "serger bundle" arrived.  After flipping through the books, I'm glad I got them:

They have lots of tips and creative ideas for using the machine.  Which, by the way, I've decided to name Sergio.  My sewing machine is a Kenmore, and it never had a name before, but now that I've named the serger, I'm going to call the sewing machine Ken.

Ken and Sergio.  I loves them.


  1. Happy early birthday!
    I don't know if it's correct form to serge before you stitch but I love to do just that - especially with fray crazy fabrics, I suppose it could add unnecessary thread build up but on many pieces it's just fine.
    I've been interested in that pattern alteration book - I saw it on someone else's blog (don't remember exactly who) a few weeks back and added it to my amazon wishlist. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it after you've had a chance to read it.

    1. Also, I adore Malia's pincushions! I've been wanting to order one ever since she posted about her shop. I love your choice.

  2. I love a fun mail day! The pincushion and buckle are so cute and the books look totally useful - I'm sure you'll put Ken & Sergio to work on the techniques you'll learn from them. As for serging, like Lizz I serge all seams before I sew. Not sure it's "right" but it works for me.

  3. Hooray loot!! Your serged fabric looks so neat and tidy! It's amazing!

  4. The pincushion is adorable! I love the names of your machines. Happy early birthday!

  5. Well, happy early birthday! It looks like you are well on your way to a wonderful celebration with all your goodies!

  6. I happy early birthday! Yay for pressies! Again, so glad that tea pot arrived okay. I was having horrible thoughts about it getting squashed under a huge TV or something.

    1. I used it yesterday afternoon while I was sewing, and it made me smile :-)

  7. Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone!

  8. Well, gal, you deserved the bestest birthday ever, don't ya know.

    Each of your surprizes this week are wonderful.

    Guess you truly love your serger, am I right?

    You THREE books are going to change your life.!.!.

    Happy Birthday, Gail.



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