
Monday, November 21, 2011


Remember this goofy photo?

Well, Caitlin emailed me a few weeks ago via flickr and asked if I would like to be a Featured Seamstress on the Colette blog!  I have to admit I'd forgotten about it, and when I was scrolling down my reader this morning, it was kind of a shock to come across my own face!

If you're interested in sewing and aren't reading the Colette blog, you really ought to be!  And if you've come over here from the Colette blog, welcome!  It's no secret I'm a big fan of Sarai, Caitlin and the brand.  My new favorite thing is the outfit/styling posts (a la Polyvore) Caitlin has been doing lately, showing different ways of styling Colette garments.  Genius!

Speaking of Colette patterns, I'm slowly working toward making the Peony dress.

I've traced the size 2 bodice pieces and will be making a REAL muslin this time.  I want to get the fit just right.  But I'm taking my time; Hubby bought me The Colette Sewing Handbook the day it came out, and I've been reading a little bit each day.  I think I will have to do a fair number of adjustments with this pattern, so the information in the book will be invaluable.  Sadly, I don't think I'll have any time for sewing until after the holiday.

But - I have finished the back of my 1958 sweater!  I started the first pocket lining, but ended up spending much of my day yesterday editing an article for my brother-in-law, after which we headed over to our local jazz club to hear Kenny Barron.  And after that we went out to get Indian food.  Mmmmm . . . curry!


  1. Congrats, Gail.
    Great article.

    Curry?????? I haven't had Curry in ages.


  2. Just popped over from the Colette blog because I saw your adorable outfit. The fabric choices are spot on and I love the way you've put it all together. Congrats on being featured!

  3. Hi
    I'm new to your blog from Colette today.
    Can I just say I absolutely LOVE your glasses from a few posts down? Tell your husband that Random people on the internet are compelled to tell you they love them.

    I NEED new glasses now.
    Also, good sewing!


  4. Thank you, ladies!

    Gerry - just are the rest of the curry for lunch! Mmmmmmm!

    Harmonie and Rosie - I'm looking forward to perusing your blog when I have a few spare moments!

    Cat - thanks for the thumbs up. I'll be sure to tell Hubby!

  5. Congratulations on being featured! I can see why they picked you--it's a great outfit!

  6. I love your skirt and the blouse , but I'm also dying for your shoes and tights!!!!!

  7. Aren't those shoes the best? One of my all-time favorites!

  8. Yay! I LOVE that you were on the Colette website-- I felt like I had just recognized a celebrity! Can't WAIT to see the Peony on you! Definitely fit your muslin carefully-- the darts are quite strangely positioned and you'll want to get those right. It's totally worth the extra time to get it right!

  9. Thanks, Ginger! Yes, everyone says the darts are high - and at my age, my boobs are not! So I'll certainly have to fit it ;-)

  10. What a great surprise and well-deserved. Loved your interview.


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