
Thursday, September 22, 2011


The Violet blouse:

The Good:

One of the reasons I let this sit for a while before making it was that I couldn't decide which side of the fabric to use.  I finally decided to use the wrong side, since I had originally wanted to make this in Swiss dot, but couldn't find any.  I'm glad I did - I think it's much more interesting:

I'm also glad I decided to use piping around the collar and down the button placket. I think the lines of the design would have gotten lost without it in this fabric:

And I'm happy with the job I did on the piping.  It really wasn't that much extra work.

I learned a useful new trick too with this pattern:  when you need to turn something under 1/4" and press, it's easier to do this by first stitching along the edge 1/4" - the needle holes in the fabric make it easier to turn, and you can see exactly where you need to turn it!  This is especially helpful on curved edges.  You can remove the stitches later if you want to, but in this case I didn't, since it was on the inside of the garment at the edges of the facing.

The Bad:

Well, I think this style might be a little "cute" for me.  I keep forgetting I'm pushing 50.  Also, the fit is a little more constricting than I like across the back when I put my arms forward.

And no matter how much I try to iron it, and in how many different ways, I just can't get the collar to lay down flat.  I think it's probably due to user error, not inherent in the design.

And The Ugly:

I did a pretty good job with the buttonholes, but on the bottom one (thankfully), my scissor slipped when I was cutting it open and cut through the stitches.  I had to stitch it back up by hand:

It doesn't show too much when the blouse is buttoned though.

The Final Verdict:

I don't think it's worthy of my green Ginger skirt, but it's wearable.  The pattern was marked as a beginner pattern, but I probably wouldn't recommend this as an early project for someone new to sewing, mostly because setting in sleeves can be a little tricky.  I've done it plenty of times before, but I had a little trouble with these sleeves; not really sure why.

I'm not sure if I'll make this one again, mostly because I think the style is probably a little too young for me.  Because the neckline is wide, I don't think it would look very good with another collar style.

Have you made the Violet blouse, or are you planning to?  What was your experience with it?


  1. Well, the view from here is adorable, but you’re the one who has to wear it so if you feel it's not you, then that's that. It does look super cute thought. I have this pattern but I'm not sure I'll ever make it as I also think the Peter Pan collar is a bit too cute for me. Regardless of whether you were it or not, and despite the buttonhole mishap, you did a great job with this blouse.

  2. Thanks, Andrea. I'm wearing it now, and I feel a little "home made."

  3. Wait - that's the wrong side facing out? I have that same fabric from Vogue Fabrics and I always assumed that the fluffy ends were intended for the right side because it was labeled as dobby cloth. How funny!
    Anyway... I've steered clear of Violet because of the Peter Pan Collar. I agree that they are a little too precious for me and I always feel uncomfortable in garments with them. It doesn't matter how great the garment is if it doesn't match your personal style, right?
    The collar issue (flipping up) might be due to the type of interfacing you used but without seeing it in person I can't be sure.
    With all that being said, I think your shirt is lovely and really well sewn. Look at that piping! Beautiful touch, Gail.

  4. Well gosh, now I don't know! I bought it at the store (a mile from my house: danger!!) and there were other bolts with bigger designs, and therefore more floats on the back, which did not look cute like this one. It was only labeled as "shirting", so I assumed the floats were meant for the back.

    Yes, I really need to learn about different interfacings. Any suggestions on where to find good info?

    Thanks for the compliments!

  5. Well, it's a great print regardless which is the "right" side!
    I've got a pamphlet that my instructor gave me on interfacings. If I can figure out how to scan with my printer, I'll send it over to you.

  6. You are awesome, Lizz! Thank you so much! Even if you can't get it to work, I really appreciate the thought!

  7. That is really great detailing! (No one is ever going to know about that last buttonhole. Well, I guess we know now, but we'll never tell!)

  8. Just don't go spreading it around teh intarwebs!


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