
Thursday, August 11, 2011


Remember this post?

Well, the other day I got my "Pay it Forward" presie from the awesome Andrea of Stitch Parade.  Look!

Isn't it just too perfect?  A sweet little coin purse in yellow, with birds!  Lovingly hand made by Andrea!  She even put a little pocket inside, and one of her super-cool labels:

I love it so much!

I didn't get any takers on my original post about the Pay it Forward project, but since I won't have any time to make anything until September (post-niece), I'm considering it still open.  So if you want to play, leave me a comment here!


  1. Oh, no! I think it got all squished in the mail! It had a bit more volume to it when it left my house. Next time I should put some padding inside. Glad you like it anyway!

  2. What a great little coin purse -- so very *YOU*!

  3. Oops! I left my comment *there* and not here. I want to play :-)

  4. I also left you a reply *there* - thanks for playing! I put you on my list of recipients!! Yay!


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