
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Me Time

Last night Hubby took the kids to see the Blue Man Group.  I opted out because I knew it would be too loud and frenetic for me.  They really had a blast, and I'm so glad he took them!  My nephew liked it so much, he posted about it on Facebook as soon as they got home!

So I got some "me time" in the evening, and here's what I did:

China Glaze Senorita Bonita
Island Escape collection, summer 2011

I wasn't sure I would like this color, but I ended up loving it!  It's similar to Zoya Danii, but with a lot more red.   And, of course, the amazing China Glaze glass flakes.  This is two coats.  The first coat went on rather sheer, and I thought it would end up being a three-coater, but the second (albeit thick) coat evened things out.   The only problem I had was that my brush was frayed at the ends. Again.

I'm starting to think that a lot of my 'shrinkage' problems are due to operator error. I noticed a few days ago that I've been swooping the brush up and off my nail just before I reach the end of the nail.  It looks like I've covered the nail while the polish is wet, but after it dries, it looks like it's shrunk!  I've been trying to make myself keep the bristles on the nail all the way to the end and then stroke down and off the nail.  It's really hard to do - I think I instinctively swoop up trying to avoid getting polish on my fingertips, because I've been keeping my nails pretty short.


  1. Good for you for getting some “me” time. And that’s a super nice colour! Our stars must be aligned because just yesterday on my way home from work I picked up a bottle of O.P.I. “Louvre me Louvre me not” which is a purple shade with some sheen to it. We’re going camping this weekend so I’ll probably paint my toes tonight, just in time for more fun at the lake.

  2. hee hee - funny name! I hope it cools off for you over the weekend!

  3. Very nice! I might have to pick that up. My Danii bubbled horribly and stained. If I can't get it to behave with a different basecoat, it's going out :-(

  4. Welcome home! Wow - I didn't have any trouble with Danii. Interesting. Color-wise, I think I like this one better because it's red-violet rather than blue-violet. Reminds me of Crayolas; red-violet was one of my favorite colors when I was a kid!

    I broke down and got the Zoya basecoat and top coat and drying drops, but I haven't used them yet!

  5. Love the colour - have to look out for it.

  6. Thanks, Ruby! (not sure if you want your real name out there :-))


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