
Monday, May 23, 2011

Slight change of plans.

When I went to the fabric store yesterday to pick up muslin and piping for my Ginger skirt, I came across this:

Needless to say, two yards of it came home with me.  I've amended my plan, and am going to make this one first.  There were two full bolts of this at my JoAnn's, whereas I bought the last two yards of the green bow fabric.  So I figure I would rather test out the pattern on this fabric, because I can get more if necessary.

The pattern is pretty straightforward, but I'm going to be applying piping around the waistband, which I've never done before, and for which the instructions are not included in the pattern.  So there is a possibility of failure.

Yesterday I traced out all my pattern pieces on pattern making paper, with the adjustments for my measurements, and today I cut out the pieces.

I also managed to get some work done on Mandarine yesterday:

Shoulders are sewn together and collars are attached up to the shoulder.  Now all I have to do is keep knitting each side of the collar until they meet in the back, then bind off and sew them together.  And of course, sew the side seams and sleeve seams and set in the sleeves.  The end is in sight!  I picked up some really interesting buttons today too!


  1. Whoa ! - - - - great fabric
    I think I may be envious.

    Good luck with your first attempt with piping.


  2. Mandarine is going to be very pretty. I have the same color Calmer in my stash. I love it and have an idea to make sweaters or vests for my little granddaughter and me.

    I'll keep my fingers crossed about the piping ;)

  3. I'm so impressed by your crafting productivity!

    Don't worry...piping is not too bad. Do you have a piping foot? Even if you don't, a zipper foot is fine and helps a lot.


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