
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Two for One

Knitting and Nails, on the same day!

Knitting and nail polish - my
favorite things!

Aren't they pretty?  What we have here is Nubar Pink Lily and Adore, by Kim Hargreaves, a wide scarf knit in Kidsilk Haze.

Pink Lily is the sixth polish I've tried from this collection.  Maybe this one applied differently, or maybe I've just resigned myself to the fact that these take 3 coats to be opaque.  But I really love this.  I had a hard time capturing the true color; it's quite a bit darker and more Pepto-esque in real life.    In the bottle it looks like it would have a more pronounced shimmer (like Blue Hydrangea), but I can't see it on the nail.

It makes me feel pretty.  Isn't it funny how pink can do that?

Nubar Pink Lily
Spring Garden Collection, 2011

The Adore scarf is a project I started to take with me to California last month.  I didn't work on it a whole lot because I was busy taking long walks on the beach  . . . I get it out every once in a while and do a few rows.  It's the kind of thing I like to keep going, for when I get bored with whatever else I'm working on.

Adore, by Kim Hargreaves

It's done in a very easy but very effective stitch.  The yarn is a shade of Kidsilk Haze called Majestic.  It's a hard color to describe.  Is it grey?  Is it lavender?  Is it taupe? Whatever it is, it's very pretty.  And it goes great with pink nails.  I think I'll do a few rows now . . .


  1. Hi there :) I'm so happy to have found your blog!

    I'm attempting to knit the Adore scarf at the moment but I just can't seem to get it right. Maybe you can help? It looks so simple but i just can't figure out where I am going wrong...

    I am fine to cast on and do the decrease for every second stitch so there are 50 stitches. Row 2 is where it becomes tricky. No matter what I do, I end up decreasing a stitch for every row thereafter. Do you have any tips? I'd love some help!

    Apart from the scarf, your nail polish is so sweet :)


  2. Hi Jessica!

    The garter stitch picot edge can be a little tricky. When I do it, I count like this: cast on one stitch, then immediately bind it off again, then knit four.

    The other place I tended to make mistakes if I wasn't paying attention is at the end of the row. After the first 5 edge stitches, you do P2tog, YO all the way across to the last 5 stitches and then knit those. I tended to forget to do that last YO before the knit 5 - maybe that is where you are losing your stitch too?

    Hope that helps!

  3. Thank you! Solved :) You were right - I was just missing the final YO before the knit 5.

    Can you believe that I have attempted this scarf so many times over the past year that I've gone through around half a ball of wool! Now I don't think I'll have enough and I'm not betting on the yarn shop where I bought it having any more from the same dye lot...

    Thanks again - you're a gem.

  4. So glad that helped!

    I think you'll be OK though - this scarf is REALLY long, and of course it will stretch out as it's worn. I actually wish I had only used a ball and a half, rather than the entire 2 balls! (Because I'm short.)

  5. I am starting this scarf now.... this has all been great input! Thank you!! :-)


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